Say you have a contact tied to a customer, but have not defined that contact as a Billing Contact, Purchasing Contact or Shipping Contact. Does the system automatically treat that contact as the default for the Billing Contact, Purchasing Contact and Shipping Contact, to send each all three of those respective automated emails (invoice, order ack, tracking)?
What about the above situation with multiple contacts tied to a customer, with none of them defined as any of those contact types?
I understand that you cannot set multiple contacts as Primary contact for any one of the three options for a given customer. How would you go about sending the tracking email or order acknowledgement to multiple contacts for a given customer?
Are you using APR to send out the documents? If so the routing rule should show which email address is being selected for that document type. We use a UD field on the customer table that can store multiple email addresses, and use the data in that field to email our documents, because the email address fields on the contacts are too short to store multiple email addresses (and customers want things sent to multiple people).
@aosemwengie1 Are those UD fields just tied to the customer master or within the customer contacts? Any screenshots you can provide would be appreciated!