I’ve got a request for the Average A/R Balance by customer. Meaning the average balance on the customer from day to day. I didn’t see anything in the customer table and I’m not sure where to start looking for this. If it’s not available as a field, does anyone know how to calculate this?
That sounds like a tough one. I would start by playing around with the aging. Maybe set up a daily version and see what the output is?
Ya…you’d have to somehow capture the open AR on a daily basis and stash it somewhere. Only thing I know of is the Customer’s Activity tab…go to the Aging section, it’ll calculate average invoice size and days to pay for you.
Agreed with that, in another ERP system we had to snapshot our aging table into another table each night, and write a rather complex SQL query to analyze it for the time phases that our accounting wanted.
Would love to see a solution to this in Kinetic, as I will probably have to do this when our next site goes live.
Yeah, it’s not an easy nut to crack. Every company’s different though - might be a key indicator for some, immaterial to others. Some might just keep an eye on the balances daily/weekly…focus on the past-due items etc…