Custom Serial Number Report

In addition to the PartNum, you may try adding this field relation:

InvcDtl.PackLine = SerialNo.PackLine

--- In, Bill Jackson <fujijapman@...> wrote:
> Could try:Â
> Â
> Â Â each SerialNo where
> (InvcDtl.PackNum = SerialNo.PackNum AND SerialNo.PartNo =
InvcDtl.PartNo ) no-lock .
> --- On Wed, 6/25/08, skc143psu <skc143psu@...> wrote:
> From: skc143psu <skc143psu@...>
> Subject: [Vantage] Custom Serial Number Report
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 11:06 AM
> Has anyone successfully wirtten a report that pulls part numbers
> the serial number associated to that specific part for an order? I
> have written a BAQ report that pulls all part numbers for a
> order number (which is declared as an option field in the BAQ), and
> is supposed to attach a serial number for each part.
> So, I got the report 'sorta' working. I tested with a small order,
> there are 15 total items in this order, but only 5 have serial
> numbers, but the serial numbers are being repeated. as an example,
> partnum 100237 has an order quantity of 5, as does parts 100145 and
> 100275. The 5 units of part 100237 pull serial numbers, which i
> verified are correct in the invoice. However, 100145 and 100275
> shouldn't have SNs associated with them, but the 5 unique SNs for
> part 100237 are printing on the report alongside these parts,
> triplicating the serial numbers where they should be null. I'm
> thinking this is a join issue. Has anyone successfully written a
> report similar to what I'm attempting to do? I've enclosed my BAQ
> this report, please let me know if you need any other information.
> Thanks.
> for each InvcDtl no-lock , each OrderDtl where (InvcDtl.Company =
> OrderDtl.Company and InvcDtl.OrderNum = OrderDtl.OrderNum and
> InvcDtl.OrderLine = OrderDtl.OrderLine) no-lock , each SerialNo
> (InvcDtl.PackNum = SerialNo.PackNum) no-lock .
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Has anyone successfully wirtten a report that pulls part numbers and
the serial number associated to that specific part for an order? I
have written a BAQ report that pulls all part numbers for a specified
order number (which is declared as an option field in the BAQ), and
is supposed to attach a serial number for each part.

So, I got the report 'sorta' working. I tested with a small order,
there are 15 total items in this order, but only 5 have serial
numbers, but the serial numbers are being repeated. as an example,
partnum 100237 has an order quantity of 5, as does parts 100145 and
100275. The 5 units of part 100237 pull serial numbers, which i have
verified are correct in the invoice. However, 100145 and 100275
shouldn't have SNs associated with them, but the 5 unique SNs for
part 100237 are printing on the report alongside these parts,
triplicating the serial numbers where they should be null. I'm
thinking this is a join issue. Has anyone successfully written a
report similar to what I'm attempting to do? I've enclosed my BAQ for
this report, please let me know if you need any other information.

for each InvcDtl no-lock , each OrderDtl where (InvcDtl.Company =
OrderDtl.Company and InvcDtl.OrderNum = OrderDtl.OrderNum and
InvcDtl.OrderLine = OrderDtl.OrderLine) no-lock , each SerialNo where
(InvcDtl.PackNum = SerialNo.PackNum) no-lock .
Could try:Â
  each SerialNo where
(InvcDtl.PackNum = SerialNo.PackNum AND SerialNo.PartNo = InvcDtl.PartNo ) no-lock .

--- On Wed, 6/25/08, skc143psu <skc143psu@...> wrote:

From: skc143psu <skc143psu@...>
Subject: [Vantage] Custom Serial Number Report
Date: Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 11:06 AM

Has anyone successfully wirtten a report that pulls part numbers and
the serial number associated to that specific part for an order? I
have written a BAQ report that pulls all part numbers for a specified
order number (which is declared as an option field in the BAQ), and
is supposed to attach a serial number for each part.

So, I got the report 'sorta' working. I tested with a small order,
there are 15 total items in this order, but only 5 have serial
numbers, but the serial numbers are being repeated. as an example,
partnum 100237 has an order quantity of 5, as does parts 100145 and
100275. The 5 units of part 100237 pull serial numbers, which i have
verified are correct in the invoice. However, 100145 and 100275
shouldn't have SNs associated with them, but the 5 unique SNs for
part 100237 are printing on the report alongside these parts,
triplicating the serial numbers where they should be null. I'm
thinking this is a join issue. Has anyone successfully written a
report similar to what I'm attempting to do? I've enclosed my BAQ for
this report, please let me know if you need any other information.

for each InvcDtl no-lock , each OrderDtl where (InvcDtl.Company =
OrderDtl.Company and InvcDtl.OrderNum = OrderDtl.OrderNum and
InvcDtl.OrderLine = OrderDtl.OrderLine) no-lock , each SerialNo where
(InvcDtl.PackNum = SerialNo.PackNum) no-lock .

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Don't forget PackLine, PartNum and Company.

InvcDtl.PackLine --> SerialNo.PackLine
InvcDtl.PackNum --> SerialNo.PackNum
InvcDtl.PartNum --> SerialNo.PartNum
InvcDtl.Company --> SerialNo.Company

You need to join on all 4 columns.


Vic Drecchio
ERP Administrator

TIMCO Aviation Services
Greensboro, NC
Email: vic.drecchio@...
Office: 336.668.4410 x3091
Mobile: 704.530.3092


From: [] On Behalf
Of skc143psu
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 11:07 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Custom Serial Number Report

Has anyone successfully wirtten a report that pulls part numbers and
the serial number associated to that specific part for an order? I
have written a BAQ report that pulls all part numbers for a specified
order number (which is declared as an option field in the BAQ), and
is supposed to attach a serial number for each part.

So, I got the report 'sorta' working. I tested with a small order,
there are 15 total items in this order, but only 5 have serial
numbers, but the serial numbers are being repeated. as an example,
partnum 100237 has an order quantity of 5, as does parts 100145 and
100275. The 5 units of part 100237 pull serial numbers, which i have
verified are correct in the invoice. However, 100145 and 100275
shouldn't have SNs associated with them, but the 5 unique SNs for
part 100237 are printing on the report alongside these parts,
triplicating the serial numbers where they should be null. I'm
thinking this is a join issue. Has anyone successfully written a
report similar to what I'm attempting to do? I've enclosed my BAQ for
this report, please let me know if you need any other information.

for each InvcDtl no-lock , each OrderDtl where (InvcDtl.Company =
OrderDtl.Company and InvcDtl.OrderNum = OrderDtl.OrderNum and
InvcDtl.OrderLine = OrderDtl.OrderLine) no-lock , each SerialNo where
(InvcDtl.PackNum = SerialNo.PackNum) no-lock .

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]