Custom REST Methods

I’m a bit new to using REST services so forgive my ignorance here. I’m accustomed to using Service Connect to accomplish things from outside the system so as a starting point I’ll always run a trace on the activity I’m trying to duplicate and use those methods as starting points. In the REST custom methods is it necessary to “nest” (unsure of the proper terminology here) calls to achieve the final goal? For example, trying to use Erp.Bo.ReceiptsFromMfgSvc, do I need to use the GetNew and OnChange methods from my trace before I use ReceiveMfgPartToInventory or can I just go straight to the end?

Follow the trace like Service Connect. going straight to the end is generally a bad idea unless its a very simple service.

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Thanks. I guess I’ll have to do some more digging as the documentation I have doesn’t cover using multiple methods in one call.

You can’t do them in one call… one method at a time same as service connect.

How does that work? In SC you passed the results from one call to the next but I haven’t seen any documentation on doing that with REST.

I mean your REST calls are done by some sort of program right? like C# code or Node.js… something how are you calling your REST functions?

Sorry, got side-tracked. Right now I’m just using Postman to test individual methods. Would you suggest writing a custom application (c#) or using something like Postman Collections runner to run multiple methods?

Postman should never me the tool you use to access REST in a production basis…IMO
Postman is a helper tool, but to actually run things through you need a tool that’s made for that.

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The methods, even running in Postman, will return a result that is the dataset after the method has executed. Then you would pass that result into the next call. But I agree with Jose, Postman is not what you want to use for working with production data.

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Thanks for the help guys