Any way to get the Custom Object Explorer to show the example in C# instead?
I’m replicating a customization I did in V8 in E10. The V8 code was
Private Sub setPMCombo()
Dim recSelected as Boolean
Dim whereClause as String = “Checkbox01 = False”
Dim dsSetPMCombo as Dataset = Epicor.Mfg.UI.FormFunctions.SearchFunctions.listLookup(oTrans,"UD05Adapter", recSelected, False, whereClause)
if (recSelected) Then
ucbPM.ValueMember = "ShortChar01"
ucbPM.DataSource = dsSetPMCombo
ucbPM.DisplayMember = "ShortChar01"
Dim fields as String() = New String() {"ShortChar01"}
ucbPM.LimitToList = true
end if
end sub
I’m having a problem on how to structure the Dim dsSetPMCombo as Dataset = ... line in C#
Never mind … I figured out how to make a customization in VB mode.
The trick was you have to start with the “Base” and select VB mode. Selecting VB mode when opening a customization that was created with C#, still requires C#.
It is highly recommended that you do all your coding in 10 in C#
VB is currently supported but it is not guaranteed to be supported in the future, plus the VB customizations will not port to the mobile or the everywhere framework.
Your best be is to get a nice C# book and learn the syntax, there are several tools out there that will also convert VB to C#