Custom .net library import

Can any body tell me if I can import a custom .net library which I have written into a Epicor functions library as shown below please?


On-premise you would need to put the DLL(s) inside the Server\Assemblies folder to be picked up.
Not sure we would actively support this but can be done technically!


Thanks for that, I can find the Server folder but not the Assemblies, do I need to create it?


it’s the server folder in wwwroot not the Epicor folder tree.

From bitter experience - this will be something you later regret, however… :smirk:

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Technically, you can tell your partner if some clothing makes them look bigger - but like adding a dependency to your Epicor system, it’s not really the best idea.

Custom libraries are nice logic bombs for people who have to support this later. Have you considered making this a service which is callable via REST? It would make upgrading the library (and Kinetic) easier in the future.

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I have created a REST api, but I have been unable to call it from a form in Application Studio, would you know how I could do it please?


I always put mine into Externals and it picks it up. So when I do upgrades it remains. Or I add a second Assemblies Path in the web.config

If you want to add like a 3rd party dll you should make another folder and you can add it via admin console there is a section right above Shared Assemblies (cant grab a sshot now)

I think this is a different topic, can you start a new thread?