While training my fellow developer this morning on using Application Studio, we discovered that when he clicks the “Base” link of a custom dashboard that I built he does not get the Modify Designer “Use Base” or “User Layer” options. Instead he is forced to create a new layer.
I could not find anything within his user account that is different from mine, so it appears that a user can only ever access the Base kinetic layer if they are the one who built the custom application? Is that correct, as far as anyone here knows? Or is there something I’m missing to turn on for his account that he can access the Base of my applications, if there is ever a reason that he needs to?
This gave me the idea to force CanAccessBase to true for all Non System apps.
I did this by creating a post processing BPM on Ice.Lib.MetaFX.GetApplications with the following code:
I am not able to open any of the Base layers for those dashboards. I am having to create a new layer to make any changes.
All Base Layers appear to not have the edit option but have delete option.
This functionality already exists but is slightly different than in the smart client dashboards. You must use Security groups.
Owner of the application can share the Base application editing by applying a security group to the application, steps would be like
Click on the Properties Link of base application
New slider would be displayed to choose the Security Group
Save application and Publish. All the users part of the selected security group would be able to modify the application.
Of course, that doesn’t work if that owner is longer employed/have access to Application Studio. I commented on the Idea about that to see what they say/if they respond.
Our list is not Security Groups but Menu Securities. Has anyone tried this method from Epicor? Does it work for you?
Edit: I created a new menu security group, added our IT department security group, then updated and redeployed the dashboard. No joy it didn’t allow another user to access the base layer. The BPM above worked though so