Custom Filter vs Define Parameters and How to Save Them

I happened upon the following post when searching for information on creating filters. It’s a great post and got me this far.
BAQ - filter dynamic - ERP 10 - Epicor User Help Forum (

I’ve learned that I can get the same results whether I use Custom Filter (see image)
Custom Filter.pdf (19.9 KB)
or a Defined Parameter (see image)
Define Parameter.pdf (28.0 KB)

My first question, what is the difference? Is one better than the other?

Also, if I close out of the query, I lose the Custom Filter and/or the Defined Parameter. Is there a way to save these for not only the original query, but for other queries as well. If that is possible, how do you save them?

Thank you in advance!

Sounds like you are just getting started.

There is a source for free, starting level instruction specific to your Epicor version for BAQs on EpicWeb.
It is Epicor’s documentation that should give explanations of the basic parts of BAQs, and more.
This website should be available to you through your CAM.

Look for Ice Tools for BAQ specific info: