We have a simple event that we are trying to trigger when the user starts a new miscellaneous charge for the order head.
Our event has the ‘After’ Hook and the Target is the GetNewOHOrderMsc Event. We can see in the console that this event is in fact firing when the new button is clicked, but our custom event is not working or even showing up in the console. Has anyone else experienced this issue or found any work around?
I’ve attached some screenshots of our Event as well as the console log. We did notice a strange warning in the GetNewOHOrderMsc Event ‘Trying to assign object in epBinding actionResult.returnObj. epBinding values should contain only number, string or bool values. Instead received null’, but this warning comes up even when running the base form without our event. This is on version
We are in a similar situation - everything identical, except the event we want to fire After is GetAPUninvoicedReceipts.
Even the warning about a null epBinding value received - which makes me think that could be where things are going wrong, since I don’t recall seeing that any other time I’m debugging an event triggered after another event.
We are running 11.2.300.0
I had to choose a different trigger for my event. Even attempting to fire After the event that called the event I wanted to use (GetAPUninvoicedReceipts) did not work as expected.
Since the action executed immediately following GetAPUninvoicedReceipts is slider-open, I hooked my event to creation of a control on that slider.
Essentially, the timing of the event is more important than which trigger is used…