Custom code for Issue Material


seems to be breaking the errors down a little more now.

Warning: BC40000 - line 106 (473) - ‘Public Property Enabled As Boolean’ is obsolete: ‘EpiControls should use ReadOnly instead of Enabled’.
Warning: BC40000 - line 111 (478) - ‘Public Property Enabled As Boolean’ is obsolete: ‘EpiControls should use ReadOnly instead of Enabled’.
Error: BC30455 - line 183 (550) - Argument not specified for parameter ‘consolidateInvAttributes’ of ‘Public Function GetFullBinSearch(partNum As String, whseCode As String, consolidateInvAttributes As Boolean) As Erp.BO.PartBinSearchDataSet’.

I will have a look at the Epicor10 Converted Programming guide once i get access back to Epicweb… Epicor changed the portal and i have no longer got access.