Custom code for Issue Material

I have some custom code for Issue Material within E9 which i has pasted below, I am wanting to move the code over to our E10 environment. But after running “test code” i am receiving the below error messages. The code looks up the issue quantity needed and fills out the box along with lot number.


Compiling Custom Code ... 

----------errors and warnings------------

 Warning: BC40000 - line 106 (473) - 'Public Property Enabled As Boolean' is obsolete: 'EpiControls should use ReadOnly instead of Enabled'.
 Warning: BC40000 - line 111 (478) - 'Public Property Enabled As Boolean' is obsolete: 'EpiControls should use ReadOnly instead of Enabled'.
 Error: BC30456 - line 136 (503) - 'Lib' is not a member of 'Proxy'.
 Error: BC30456 - line 181 (548) - 'Lib' is not a member of 'Proxy'.
 Error: BC30455 - line 183 (550) - Argument not specified for parameter 'consolidateInvAttributes' of 'Public Function GetFullBinSearch(partNum As String, whseCode As String, consolidateInvAttributes As Boolean) As Erp.BO.PartBinSearchDataSet'.
 Error: BC30456 - line 196 (563) - 'Forms' is not a member of 'Windows'.

 ** Compile Failed. **

' **************************************************
' Custom code for IssueMaterialForm
' Created: 22/06/2012 09:07:30
' **************************************************
Imports System
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Imports Ice.Lib
Imports Erp.BO
Imports Ice.BO
Imports Erp.Proxy.BO
Imports Erp.UI

Imports Ice.Adapters
Imports Erp.Adapters
Imports Ice.Lib.Customization
Imports Ice.Lib.ExtendedProps
Imports Ice.UI.FormFunctions
Imports Ice.Lib.Framework
Imports Ice.Lib.Searches

Public Class Script

    ' ** Wizard Insert Location - Do Not Remove 'Begin/End Wizard Added Module Level Variables' Comments! **
    ' Begin Wizard Added Module Level Variables **

    ' End Wizard Added Module Level Variables **

    ' Add Custom Module Level Variables Here **
    Dim selected_job As Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiTextBox
    Dim OK_btn As Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiButton
    Dim selected_mtl As Erp.UI.Controls.Combos.JobMtlSearchCombo
    Dim issue_return_form As Erp.UI.App.IssueMaterialEntry.IssueMaterialForm
    Dim curr_jobNo As String
    Dim curr_jobseq As String
    Dim gp_box As Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiGroupBox
    Dim blnCheckJobseq As Boolean = False
    Dim blnIssueMtlmain As Boolean = True
    Dim curr_session_IM As Ice.Core.Session

    'This screen lets people issue material. It gets called from 2 places(MES AND EPICOR 9).
    'if it gets called from MES WORKQUEUE then it needs show the selected mtl which the user would have slected in work queue issue mtl option and 
    'also popolated the lot and the remaining quantity of steel to be issued

    Public Sub InitializeCustomCode()
        ' ** Wizard Insert Location - Do not delete 'Begin/End Wizard Added Variable Initialization' lines **

        curr_session_IM = DirectCast(IssueMaterialForm.Session, Ice.Core.Session) 'gets the IssueMaterialForm session
        gp_box = CType(csm.GetNativeControlReference("6386495a-8b7d-43b4-ae7d-34ae4f6f8dba"), Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiGroupBox)
        selected_job = CType(csm.GetNativeControlReference("8eb12134-2ebc-448b-b3db-9ab81ecc4f66"), Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiTextBox)
        OK_btn = CType(csm.GetNativeControlReference("43ce5d32-8e77-4d69-9a8e-6c33bd4da434"), Ice.Lib.Framework.EpiButton)
        selected_mtl = CType(csm.GetNativeControlReference("3c29bb2b-cc78-4cab-80c8-f004923fdbae"), Erp.UI.Controls.Combos.JobMtlSearchCombo)
        issue_return_form = CType(csm.GetNativeControlReference("2dcd1674-5e34-4d98-b493-c75747027376"), Erp.UI.App.IssueMaterialEntry.IssueMaterialForm)

        ' Begin Wizard Added Variable Initialization
        ' End Wizard Added Variable Initialization

        ' Begin Wizard Added Custom Method Calls
        ' End Wizard Added Custom Method Calls
        AddHandler Me.epiButtonC1_ok.Click, AddressOf Me.epiButtonC1_ok_Click
        AddHandler Me.IssueReturn_Column.ColumnChanged, AddressOf Me.IssueReturn_AfterFieldChange

    End Sub

    Public Sub DestroyCustomCode()
        ' ** Wizard Insert Location - Do not delete 'Begin/End Wizard Added Object Disposal' lines **
        ' Begin Wizard Added Object Disposal
        'removehandler txtmltseq.TextChanged, AddressOf txtmltseq_TextChanged
        RemoveHandler Me.epiButtonC1_ok.Click, AddressOf Me.epiButtonC1_ok_Click
        RemoveHandler Me.IssueReturn_Column.ColumnChanged, AddressOf Me.IssueReturn_AfterFieldChange
    End Sub

    Private Sub IssueMaterialForm_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As EventArgs)
        ' Add Event Handler Code
        blnCheckJobseq = True 'flags to confirm from which screen it gets called. if it is from MES where it will have details in ContextValue and it would be true otherwise it is false
    End Sub

    Private Sub Load_Job(ToJobSeq As Boolean)

            ' Get the selected job number to issue material 
            blnCheckJobseq = False ' to assumes it may be from Epicor 9
            If Not (IssueMaterialForm.LaunchFormOptions Is Nothing) Then
                If Not (IssueMaterialForm.LaunchFormOptions.ContextValue Is Nothing) Then
                    blnCheckJobseq = True ' to confirm  (LaunchFormOptions.contextvalue has some value in it) it got called from MES
                    curr_jobNo = IssueMaterialForm.LaunchFormOptions.ContextValue ' current job that was selected in workqueue
                    curr_jobseq = IssueMaterialForm.LaunchFormOptions.Like ' mtl seq no that was selected in workqueue
                    selected_job.Text = curr_jobNo
                    Dim load_job As Boolean = oTrans.loadSingleJob(selected_job.Text, 0) 'loads slected job in the IssueMaterialTransaction object
                    Dim edv_IM As EpiDataView = CType(oTrans.EpiDataViews("IM"), EpiDataView) 'declare the issue mtl dataview
                    edv_IM.dataView(edv_IM.Row).BeginEdit() 'call the edit method in the dataview
                    edv_IM.dataView(edv_IM.Row)("ToJobSeq") = curr_jobseq 'pass the currently selected mtl seq no to the dataview and update
                    gp_box.enabled = False
                    epiLabelC1.Visible = True ' highlighting bit visibile for quantity
                    epiLabelC2.Visible = True ' highlighting bit visibile for lot number
                    blnIssueMtlmain = False
                    gp_box.enabled = True
                    epiLabelC1.Visible = False
                    epiLabelC2.Visible = False

                End If

            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

    End Sub

    Private Sub ISTBACKFLUSHED()

        'This is to rectify if the slected mtl is backflushed... if so , display message otherwise workout the Quantity to display
            If len(selected_job.Text) > 0 And len(selected_mtl.Text) > 0 Then

                'Dim bo_jobmtlsearch As New Erp.BO.JobMtlSearch(curr_session_IM.ConnectionPool) 'declare JobMtlSearch object and pass the current session
                Dim bo_jobmtlsearch As Erp.Proxy.BO.JobMtlSearchImpl = WCFServiceSupport.CreateImpl(Of Erp.Proxy.BO.JobMtlSearchImpl)(oTrans.Session, Erp.Proxy.Lib.JobMtlSearchImpl.UriPath)
                Dim ds_jobmtlsearch As Erp.BO.JobMtlSearchDataSet 'decalre JobMtlSearch DataSet 
                Dim Issue_mtl As EpiDataView = CType(oTrans.EpiDataViews("IM"), EpiDataView) 'declare Issue Material dataview
                ds_jobmtlsearch = bo_jobmtlsearch.GetByID(selected_job.Text, 0, selected_mtl.Text) 'gets the row using GetByID methods of JobMtlSearch DataSet

                If ds_jobmtlsearch.Tables(0).Rows(0)(37).ToString() = True Then 'if backflushed = true
                    lblBackFlushed.Visible = True
                    lblBackFlushed.Visible = False
                    If blnCheckJobseq Then
                        If Issue_mtl.dataView(Issue_mtl.Row)("QtyRequired") <> Issue_mtl.dataView(Issue_mtl.Row)("QtyPreviouslyIssued") Then 'means issue completed

                            Dim qty_difference As Decimal = Issue_mtl.dataView(Issue_mtl.Row)("QtyRequired") - Issue_mtl.dataView(Issue_mtl.Row)("QtyPreviouslyIssued")
                            If qty_difference > 0 Then
                                Issue_mtl.dataView(Issue_mtl.Row)("TranQty") = Issue_mtl.dataView(Issue_mtl.Row)("QtyRequired") - Issue_mtl.dataView(Issue_mtl.Row)("QtyPreviouslyIssued") 'update the required qty
                            End If

                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                ds_jobmtlsearch.Dispose() ' dispose the objects 
                bo_jobmtlsearch = Nothing
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

    End Sub

    Private Sub Part_Lot()


            Dim edv_part As EpiDataView = CType(oTrans.EpiDataViews("IM"), EpiDataView) 'declare Issue Material dataview
            Dim selected_part As String = edv_part.dataView(edv_part.Row)("PartNum") 'gets the part num from  Issue Material dataview
            Dim whse_house As String = edv_part.dataView(edv_part.Row)("FromWarehouseCode") 'gets the Warehouse Code from  Issue Material dataview

            If len(selected_part) > 0 And len(whse_house) > 0 Then 'if they are not empty then that selected part and warehouse should have lots assigned to

                'Dim bo_PartBinSearch As New Erp.BO.PartBinSearch(curr_session_IM.ConnectionPool) 'declare PartBinSearch object and pass the current session
                Dim bo_PartBinSearch As Erp.Proxy.BO.PartBinSearchImpl = WCFServiceSupport.CreateImpl(Of Erp.Proxy.BO.PartBinSearchImpl)(oTrans.Session, Erp.Proxy.Lib.PartBinSearchImpl.UriPath)
                Dim ds_PartBinSearchDataSet As Erp.BO.PartBinSearchDataSet 'decalre PartBinSearchDataSet DataSet 
                ds_PartBinSearchDataSet = bo_PartBinSearch.GetFullBinSearch(selected_part, whse_house) 'get the data row using GetFullBinSearch method of PartBinSearch
                If ds_PartBinSearchDataSet.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
                    epiUltraComboC1.DataSource = ds_PartBinSearchDataSet.PartBinSearch 'sets the data source
                    Dim epi_filter_colms As String() = New String(2) {} 'filters the colums we want to show
                    epi_filter_colms(0) = "LotNumber"
                    epi_filter_colms(1) = "QtyOnHand"
                    epi_filter_colms(2) = "LotNumberDesc"
                    epiUltraComboC1.DisplayMember = "LotNumber" 'set the DisplayMember and value member
                    epiUltraComboC1.ValueMember = "LotNumber"
                    epiUltraComboC1.DropDownSearchMethod = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.DropDownSearchMethod.Default
                    epiUltraComboC1.DropDownStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraComboStyle.DropDownList 'set the epiUltraComboC1 other properties to look user & friendly
                    epiUltraComboC1.EditAreaDisplayStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.EditAreaDisplayStyle.Default
                    epiUltraComboC1.RightToLeft = Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.Yes
                End If
                If Not ds_PartBinSearchDataSet Is Nothing Then ds_PartBinSearchDataSet.dispose() 'dispose the objects 
                bo_PartBinSearch = Nothing

            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

    End Sub

    Private Sub epiButtonC1_ok_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As System.EventArgs)
        ' ** Place Event Handling Code Here **

        'this is to invoke click even on the ok button (provided by epicor). so the control that was there would be invisible. we place a button which is called epiButtonC1_ok
        'when the users click on it , it calls the performclick method of the "ok" button.


            If Not blnIssueMtlmain Then
                IssueMaterialForm.LaunchFormOptions.Result = "Issued" ' this is to say mtl has been issued which refreshes the Issued Total in workqueue screen

            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

        ' performclick:

        'This method implements the PerformClick method of the IButtonControl interface. The PerformClick method can be used when it is needed, for instance, to raise the Click event. 
        'By default, it is called for the button that has focus, or for the default button (if no other button has focus) when the user presses the ENTER or SPACE key. 
        'This method is also called when the user presses the ESC key if the button is set as the cancel button. Use the form's AcceptButton and CancelButton properties 
        'to specify which buttons on a form should act like default (accept) and cancel buttons respectively.

    End Sub

    Private Sub IssueReturn_AfterFieldChange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As DataColumnChangeEventArgs)
        ' ** Argument Properties and Uses **
        ' args.Row("FieldName")
        ' args.Column, args.ProposedValue, args.Row
        ' Add Event Handler Code
        Select Case args.Column.ColumnName

            Case "ToJobSeq"
        End Select
    End Sub

End Class

Try replacing the Erp.Proxy.Lib lines with Erp.Proxy.BO
epiUltraComboC1.RightToLeft = Windows.Forms.RightToL with System.Windows.Forms
In this line
bo_PartBinSearch.GetFullBinSearch(selected_part, whse_house) 'get the data row using GetFullBinSearch method of PartBinSearch it looks like its missing a parameter according to the error.

Not sure if you have seen the handy Epicor10 Converted Programming guide or not, but it’s worth jumping on to the documentation section of Epicweb and grabbing a copy.

Hope the suggestions help.


seems to be breaking the errors down a little more now.

Warning: BC40000 - line 106 (473) - ‘Public Property Enabled As Boolean’ is obsolete: ‘EpiControls should use ReadOnly instead of Enabled’.
Warning: BC40000 - line 111 (478) - ‘Public Property Enabled As Boolean’ is obsolete: ‘EpiControls should use ReadOnly instead of Enabled’.
Error: BC30455 - line 183 (550) - Argument not specified for parameter ‘consolidateInvAttributes’ of ‘Public Function GetFullBinSearch(partNum As String, whseCode As String, consolidateInvAttributes As Boolean) As Erp.BO.PartBinSearchDataSet’.

I will have a look at the Epicor10 Converted Programming guide once i get access back to Epicweb… Epicor changed the portal and i have no longer got access.

The 2 warnings can be ignored for now.,

And the 3rd message says that you are missing a true or false for the last parameter in the method GetFullBinSearch().

Once you add the parameter, you should be good. (You’ll have to do some investigation on whether it should be true or false, but you should be able to see that in a trace.)