Custom Code Editor bug

Every so often, on average at least once a day when I’m doing this kind of work, when I click “OK” or “Cancel” to close the Custom Code Editor screen (whether in a BPM widget or uBAQ), it doesn’t actually close. For some reason it goes into a hidden state instead. I can make it reappear as long as I hover over the right spot on the Windows toolbar, but there’s no way to interact with it. Since it’s a modal window everything is therefore locked, and the only way I’ve found of getting back to working on Epicor is to “End Task” on the entire Epicor client. Obviously I then lose whatever I’ve been working on as well as whatever other windows I had open to help me with it. And “save more regularly” isn’t an answer because the more often I close the window the more likely it is to happen.

I have used a window management tool to check the state of all current windows in the session when this happens, and it is possible to see the offender and that it’s been set as visible = false. I just have no idea why.

Has anyone else had this problem? Or any ideas what to do about it? We’re on, and it didn’t happen on any of the 10.1.400 versions.

I raised it with Epicor support and they escalated it, asked me for a dump file right after it had happened, and then closed the ticket saying they couldn’t see anything unusual going on. Maybe something about this is standard behaviour and I’m just being a dunce?

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Try deleting your personalizations and delete your client cache. I’ve not had that, but this may be a solution.
Lastly, Windows or your Video Driver may need an update.

I also get this issue and haven’t figured out how to stop it happening…We are about to upgrade to 10.2.400 so I am hoping it has been fixed in that version :slight_smile:


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I seem to get this often as well. Current 10.2.400 does not address the issue but I also can’t get it to reproduce reliably so I don’t have much to go back to support with. Kind of like when my car is making a noise except when the mechanic is driving it. Do you know what conditions may cause it to happen? Super annoying bug!


Also have the issue, but not yet figured out how to fix it. I just grin n’ bear it, lick my lost code wounds and move on

Perhaps a Ctrl+A, followed by a Ctrl+C, prior to closing is in order. That way you have the code contents on the clipboard (assuming Ctrl+C worked for you, and you didn’t really need to use Ctrl+Ins :slight_smile: )

BPM custom code not client side. When you close the code editing window it goes away but you are still modal locked and windows taskbar shows it is still there but no way to interact with it anymore. Like an improperly disposed handle or something has occurred.

Out of interest, I use a utility called WinLister which can bring the window back again in a way that allows you to copy and paste the code somewhere so it isn’t lost. Unfortunately it’s still locked and you have to exit Epicor to get going again, but the annoyance of having the work disappear is at least gone.

In 10.2.500 this has got worse. It now happens regularly in the “Specify Expression” window as well as “Custom Code”.

Today I’ve been working in a BPM for about thirty minutes and had to crash the Epicor client three times already.

I’ve replaced the Task Manger with Process Explore (from Sysinternals / Microsoft). That has a functions to restore or show a window of a selected process.


Maybe that would let you recover the “lost” window.

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This has suddenly started happening to me with increasing frequency. We haven’t updated our Epicor version in a long time. Maybe a Windows update made it worse. I’ll try Calvin’s workaround. Has anyone discovered anything else?