Cust Price List Part DMT - QtyBreak

Hello! We are going live with E10 in June and I am trying to DMT our Cust Price Lists into our pilot environment. The template builder for this only has 5 Qty breaks and unit prices, but I have up to 10 on some parts. Is there a way to DMT in the extra qty breaks and unit prices without having to hand enter them? I tried adding the extra columns and DMTing anyway, but the columns come up as invalid.

Thanks in advance!


I think you are looking at the wrong table for the price breaks. The raw tables for customer price lists are a bit of a mess. My guess is at some point in the past Epicor only supported 5 price breaks. You will want a record for each break in the PLPartBrk table and you don’t want to use PriceLstParts.QtyBreak1.