Cursor focus after click

Hi EpiFriends,

has anyone ever tried to use a bog standard barcode scanner and tried to issue and scan serial numbers ?

our materials are quite big so we end up moving away from our MES stations and use a wireless barcode scanner to scan the serial numbers. However if there is more than one barcode to scan we are a little stuck. We have to return back to the station and select the serial number and move it over to the right hand box. Only then to move back out to the floor to scan another part.

I have tried to manipulate the scanners suffix, so I am able to add a tab and then an enter automatically so that the serial number is picked up and moved to the selected serials list, but then the cursor does not go back to the search box again. Are there any customisations out there or experiences that would allow for the cursor to be refocused back into the search serial number box upon clicking the select button? So that a second serial could be scanned without the need to return to the computer

I have only done it via Epicor Customization where I added an AfterAdapterMethod and I set focus back on the field I wanted.


Thanks Haso, so do you think that would work in my context? Because the only thing button I’ve technically (scanned/ pressed) is ‘Select’ on the serial number selection screen

We have used Customization for this.
We scan a GS1 code in a custom field (Containing partnumber and serialnumber).
On this field i used the keyPress event to detect pressing the enter key (Default ending of a scanner).
When enter is pressed, we evaluate the content of the field and send the serialnumber part to Serialnumber field and use sendkey and button.PerformClick() on the select button to add the serialnumber.
After that i select the content of the custom field and set focus (control.Focus()) back to it, so we can continue scanning.

Used this aproache also on other dialogs where we want to scan. Intercept the press of the enter key and then set the focus on the next field.

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