CSF (Country specific functionality) somehow affecting other parts of customization?

So I have a weird one that I don’t really know where to start. We have a CSF tab in supplier for the 1099 tab. (we renamed it USA). We had some customization to hide that tab for certain security groups which blew up when that tab isn’t there. So we made a separate customization which was company specific and then the non-company specific was for all of the other companies/countries. That works fine.

The problem I am having, is for some reason, another unrelated customization on the same screen seems to be using the reverse logic to be shown or not as the CSF tab. Can someone tell me if there is some logic that a CSF functionality has that may get something else unintentionally caught up in the show hide logic? The CSF stuff is new to me, so I’m not really sure what to look for.

Never mind, it seemed to be a problem with a save a copy of a customization.