CSF and Upgrades

Should there be a ne CSF if upgrading from 2024.1 to 2024.2 or is it only when you move 202X to 202X+1?

Check the documentation, I believe it is only major version releases.

A new CSF install is needed at each version. Only patch releases don’t need it.

So yes, going from 2024.1 to 2024.2 will need the CSF for 2024.2 installing.

I THINK (not know) that the CSF files get updated now and then regardless of Epicor releases. Not that most of us do anything without an Epicor release behind it :smiley:

I know that our UK CSF is version 146, and the newest version is 151, though we haven’t been able to get 151 to install.


ask the venerable @MikeGross

Is 151 for 2024.2? That is what we are looking to upgrade to and also have the UK CSF.
Also, cant find the latest version on EpicWeb

It should be here. Unfortunatley I don’t think I can see it because we are not licenced for UK CSF.

And just as a confirmation you don’t need to reinstall for minor releases. The following is from the AU CSF install guide

“If you have already installed the CSF solution for Kinetic, then after you install a new Kinetic update for the same release version (for example, when you install the 2021.2.3 update over the 2021.2.2 Kinetic version), you don’t need to reinstall the same version of the CSF solution.”

That is where we have been looking Simon and it is not there for us and we are licensed for it :joy:

Hmmm you might have to ask your CAM… Seems odd you can’t see it though…

I nearly thought for a moment they just incorporated it in to the full install now but, no, I actually managed to find the install guide in the Kinetic Help online…

You will need to be logged into Epicor to use the link.


We’ve had this happen before. It’s a website issue, and the best way I’ve found is to submit a ticket under Technical/Installation and it will get routed to the web team.

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We are trying to install 151 on 2024.1, we have another meeting with Epicor support scheduled this morning, to see if they can resolve it. We have been going back and forth for a couple of weeks now, with no luck, so we’ll see.
146 works in the mean time. Fortunately, our UK office is a bit smaller than some of the other ones.

I’m confused… you are on 2024.1 and the current CSF UK for 2024.1 is 146 or 151?

We had 146 laying around that worked with 10.2.700. 151 is the current one, but it won’t install for us. So we used 146, which DID install. We WANT to use the current one, but the older one works so that’s what we have installed.

151 gives us errors referencing a ‘Plant’ field that doesn’t exist. 146 doesn’t give any errors.

The whole CSF installation process…gives me nightmares. The UK one was difficult and even Epicor’s CSG couldn’t figure it out.

Cringe Wince GIF

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Definitely need the 2024.2 UK CSF. As others have said if you can’t see this download, raise a case.

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How could 146 work when it was for 10.2.700 the compiled dlls would be for the wrong ice version etc.

Did you totally uninstall the 146 version before attempting to do 151?

I perused the install doc, seems pretty similar to the AU one… The 2024.2 install and event the 2023 one is way better and less confusing than earlier versions…in particular the prompt where you had to work out what folder to put the client files in.

Epicor support gave us a script to fix our issue. Once we ran the script, then we could get 151 to work.


Just a note the 151 numbers at the end of the zip file is not incremental through the releases.

2024.1 could be 123 and 2024.2 could then be 99. It all depends on how many builds it has had during QA and development etc.

The main bit to note is the 11.x.x version and make sure that is correct.

I agree on that one. We had an issue with that as well…along with people not following the documentation in it’s entirety…