Crystal Reports and Customer Barcode label ... errors

What was your work around?


I am running into the same error where I can't even open my customization. It only errors out in the 64bit client and it works fine in the 32bit client where I developed it.

We are planning to convert from Vantage 8.03.409C to E9.05.701 this coming weekend, but in our testing this past week have been receiving the following error:

The type initializer for 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument' threw an exception.  Then it just throws us out of E9.


Our module for printing the Customer barcode label is a customized module and works wonderful in Vantage.  In E9 however, we have experienced an inconsistancy on performance. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  We have seen a variety of error messages. Sometimes load report failed. A comClass error message 80000003,  and now the latest message is the one listed above.


Has anyone else had problems of this nature before and if so, any suggestions/steps to resolve.  We are 1 day away from going "live"!

Thanks Karen,


I checked the XML and it looks fine.  We are thinking it may possibly be in the customization and the assembly references used.  Also, the  8.03 version of Crystal differs from the 9.05 version and this may be where our problem lies.

I’ve found a clunky work around for now until we can fix the problem.

