Crystal Report/Vantage 5.1

Is the problem happening in Crystal Designer or when you run the report in Vantage?

If you are linking through ODBC, and if you are using the SQL-92 drivers, you may have trouble with the Error 599 when running the report - even if you get it working in Crystal Designer.

There is a call number of Error 599 with the SQL-92 drivers. Call#: 748545.
If you get to that point, please give Epicor a call or fax to say you are having the problem as well.

----- Original Message -----
From: matilda444
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 11:46 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Crystal Report/Vantage 5.1

I am in the process of upgrading from Vantage 3 to Vantage 5.1

I've got Vantage 5.1.113 installed on a new server.

The only thing standing between me and going "live" is one modified
Crystal Report. A custom traveler. There's two fields that aren't
linking as they should. One is the Customer PO Number and the other
is the Shipping Schedule.

Is there a Crystal Guru or Consultant that could help with this?

Robin A. Kilbane, CFO/CIO-in WAY over my head!
Division Stampings, Inc.
21100 Rogers Drive
Rogers, MN 55374
763.428.4164 Office
612.865.8672 Cell/VoiceMail

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I am in the process of upgrading from Vantage 3 to Vantage 5.1

I've got Vantage 5.1.113 installed on a new server.

The only thing standing between me and going "live" is one modified
Crystal Report. A custom traveler. There's two fields that aren't
linking as they should. One is the Customer PO Number and the other
is the Shipping Schedule.

Is there a Crystal Guru or Consultant that could help with this?

Robin A. Kilbane, CFO/CIO-in WAY over my head!
Division Stampings, Inc.
21100 Rogers Drive
Rogers, MN 55374
763.428.4164 Office
612.865.8672 Cell/VoiceMail