There is a standard report style named “mtlqueue”, in there are 3 report styles, Standard Crystal, Standard SSRS and Labels.
I needed to add a fourth style (which i named mtlqueue2)
The new style shows a new field which was a customisation part.character02
Here is what i did:
Made a copy of the original crystal report and called the copy “mtlqueue2”
Found the data definition that drives the original report which was “mtlqueue”, i duplicated the definition (calling it mtlqueue2) and added the part table and applied the correct relationships.
I went to the report style and added the fourth style named “mtlqueue2”, pointed it at the new crystal report and it all worked when ran.
However the problem is now the labels report doesn’t work…and i haven’t touched it!..and its a different crystal report entirely!..AND IT DOESN’T WORK IN ANY DATABASE INCLUDING LIVE!!! what?
So, the Standard crystal works as normal, the new mtlqueue2 report works but labels doesnt on any database, even though i only did this work in TEST
When i run the labels report it simply shows blank data apart from where there is text fields hardcoded in.
This definitely something I have not seen before.
A few things I might check/try if… you haven’t already.
Labels blank in Test and Live
All companies?
Labels didn’t change
Blank report except hardcoded
Can you save that blank Crystal report with data?
Open it in Crystal Developer
– the report design is what you expect… i.e. verify it was not changed, copied over by mistake.
– browse some of the fields/tables… any data? If so but not displaying, I might check the table joins.
And since it sounds like it is not working anyway maybe try one of these experiments.
Set the data def for Labels to the new RDD - mtlqueue2 - runs now? Or set it back to MtlQueue?
Set Labels as the default style for a company and try it
Thank you, I tried making the RDD mtlqueue2 but without success.
When I browse data in that crystal report it is seeing data…(but not showing it).
It says the report was last modified in 2015.
So it definatley hasn’t changed recently.
Wow this was a bizarre one…as i need to stress the crystal report was never modified or touched in the first place!
and i still don’t really get it…but…
as the data was there in the crystal report, but not showing anything (data was also in the XML file)…we decided to
make all the connections outer left join.
some of the data came back apart from the Qty field…
we changed the formula to:
IF {MtlQueue.Quantity} > 1 AND {PartAllocSerial.SerialNum} <> ‘’
ELSE {MtlQueue.Quantity}
Well, whatever it is, it is contagious - and is now cross species, as it is happening to an SSRS repory. I now have a report style that is an exact duplicate of another, and the copy comes up blank.
I made one report for two styles. And use the style number to choose which tablix to display. When I added a 3rd style, it’s StyleNum caused all tablix’s to be hidden.