Working on migrating from Epicor ERP 9 to 10 and when testing custom Crystal Reports on the new version 10 server, the custom Crystal Reports generate an “ERROR: Run in preview mode from System Monitor for details.” When preview is run from in System Monitor it throws an Application Error, "Invalid Epicor Crystal Runtime installation. Contact your system administrator."
Crystal Reports 2013 SP7 is installed on the server, and this testing is all being done directly on the server too. Is there a separate Epicor Crystal Runtime to install, or what might cause this error, and how does one resolve it?
Thanks for that help! I downloaded and installed both the 32bit and 64bit Crystal Reports Runtimes for the 10.1.600 version that this is using and now it gives the new error (in System Monitor Preview) "The report definition 'reports/CustomReports/MyCustomReportFilename.rpt could not be found’
I’m uncertain which CustomReports folder it is looking for. I’ve read of several different possible locations for the CustomReports folder, and I have copied over the CustomReports folder from the v9 server to the new v10.1.600.## server…but perhaps I didn’t get the right location?
Does anyone know the correct location in V10.1.600.## for the custom CRYSTAL reports folder to resolve this error?
Create a CustomReports folder in your EpicorData folder or whatever is specified in your server data directory in the System Task Agent settings. Put the reports in this folder.