CRM Security Rights At Group Level Based on Customer Type

What options are there to assign field security at the user group level depending on customer type (suspect vs. customer)? I’m particularly hoping I can use something built-in (like a wizard?) or possibly a BPM without having to write code. I’ve been told the only options for built-in are available at the user level but not at the group level.

Field Security is not able to handle conditions. It can only handle Users or Groups.
If you want to lock down fields based on the data that is there, you will need to use a customization Rule Wizard to perform this. However, you will need code to lookup what group the current user is in.

as @Jason_Woods said, Field Security CAN secure fields but not based on what I call “Logic based security”… it can only make a field secure, nor not secured, but it can’t secure it “If customer is suspect”…
There are several ways to do what you want… for example, if you want to prohibit certain groups of people from editing the “real” customers, you can make a BPM that prohibits them from saving the customer unless they are marked as a Suspect. This type of BPM is fairly easy (with wizard)… It can be made to work so that you must belong to the “CustomerEdit” group to save real customers… but if not in that group, you cant save.

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