We recently changed our MOMs to reflect crew size.
I noticed that although we updated the Scheduling Resource Crew Size in the MOM, the crew size in the job details section is always that number + 1. Anyone else have the same issue? I read this could be because of a rounding issue, but our crew sizes are whole integers…
Ex. Crew size of 3 specified for this part.
Job Scheduling Resources show the correct crew size:
Job Op Detail section adds an extra person! 3 → 4
Even stranger is that on the production detail report, it will estimate the time as 4 people, but estimate and backflush the cost using 3 people.
(.0555 hr / part) X (115 Parts) X 4 Crew Size = 25.52 HRs
Labor rate of $20 / HR, so estimated cost should theoretically be 25.52 * $20 = $510.40… but it’s $382.80 which is 3/4 of $510.40, or only using 3 people.