Crew Size - 1 person working multiple machines

We regularly have one person working on multiple machines at the same time. For this reason we set our crew size to .10 so the labor is split between 10 machines, for example. This works in most places of Epicor except on the Production Detail Report and in Quoting.

The crew size gets rounded to 1 and then throws off our calculations. Does anyone else run one person to multiple machines, and if so, how are you using crew size? Interested to know how other users are managing this.

Is it a single job or multiple jobs? You mention crew size so I’m assuming the question is about labor across multiple jobs.

I would have to find the passage in the technical guide, but we leave each operation set to what it would take if it were being done independent of any level of multitasking. The correct way to distribute a single person’s time across multiple jobs is to have them log into each operation, and set a flag for ‘split burden’ or something like that on the resource group in order to not multiply the burden over that time.

Another option would be to backflush time on those operations.

And the third option would be to write a customization for that work center that took care of the math/labor entries based on your formulas.

Hope that helps and that I understood the question :slight_smile:


The Split Burden works if you have multiple people working on the same resource for the job. In this case we use burden=labor which makes sure we don’t over report burden hours for team members working on more than one job.

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Yes, they are checked in to a different job for each machine they are working on. We are using burden = labor but I don’t think we have the split burden option selected. I will test out that setting to see if it makes a difference for us. Thanks!

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Thank you! I will test out that setting.

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