Hi, we are looking into integrating Epicor with a credit Card processing app. We looked into EBIZCharge and think it is a robust solution. My CAM proposed PayFlow Pro and the Epicor Payment Gateway but they do not work with my current verion: 10.1.400.7.
Prior to Epicor ERP 10.2, credit cards ONLY work with PayFlow Pro. The Epicor Payment Gateway is not available (yet) (Safe Harbor?) In ERP 10.1 you cannot integrate with anything outside of PayFlow pro.
To learn more, you can go to the EpicWeb Documentation page and search for “Credit Card Processing” or “Epicor Payment Gateway” to find more documentation.
But… just a thought… before implementing anything new in Credit Cards, you may want to get up to the latest version of Epicor since things are changing, and since Credit Cards are a sensitive issue.
That is surprising that Payflow Pro does not work with your current version. They are supposed to be very open as a gateway. I would check with Element Gateway as they are supposed to be a preferred partner from what I’ve seen.