Credit Card Processing

Anyone doing Credit Card Processing with E10.1.600? Are you using Epicor’s Payflow/PayPal or something else. I am interested in hearing about your experience as we are looking to implement a new process for how to process credit cards from a couple of different customer facing applications and reconcile payments/cash in Epicor.

Kristine Fierce
Business Systems Analyst
Ag Leader Technology


Yes, we have using CC module for 6 months now, contact me if you need to
more details. Thanks


Prasad Ramawickrama | Director | Information Systems

ND Industries, Inc. | 1893 Barrett Drive | Troy, MI 48084

Direct: 248-655-2520 | Cell : 248-408-7874

I know I am late to the party, but wanted to perhaps provide some direction. There are numerous options for a processing partner. What you really want to know when searching for a partner is can they process for Level 2/3 interchange, this will provide significant savings.

Here is some supportive info:

Level 3 transactions usually cost 0.50% to 1.50% less than standard Level 1 transactions. And, it’s been found that Level 3 credit card processing can lower transaction costs by up to 40%.


Chad you don’t have to reply to every CC post. We know you are here.