Hello everyone! My company has a heavily customized Quote Entry module. I was just asked to basically create a tracker version of this Quote Entry, for our Engineering team. Since the dll for the Quote Tracker and Quote Entry programs are different, I am not able to just use the customization for the Entry dll on the tracker dll in menu maintenance.
I am basically trying to avoid having to recreate all of the customizations that were made in the Quote Entry, in the Tracker. Maybe I am being lazy? Either way, I tried looking into some security to have just the engineer users be set as a “read-only” for the Quote Entry module but I had no luck finding anything that seemed like it would do that. So now I decided to make my new “engineering quote tracker” use the Quote Entry dll. I made a copy of the quote entry customization and named it “eng quote”. Then on that new copy, I am just going to every field in the module and setting the Enabled to False. So it is basically an Entry program that I am setting every field to disabled so it acts like a Tracker.
At this point, this will be a lot faster than recreating all of the customizations on a tracker. So I am wondering if anyone had any input on whether or not I am being stupid and doing this wrong, or if there was another way that could be used to do what I am trying to do? Is there some security that I am missing that could make a user open a module but just not edit anything? From what I can tell, it is either they can access the module or not, no in-between. So I am just curious as to what others think.
I appreciate those who took the time to check this out and those who have any input.
I tried making the menu item read only and it didn’t work. I thought maybe Epicor was being weird so I deleted the menu item and the customization and recreated both but I was still able to edit fields and save in the module when it was checked as Read Only. Seems kind of strange to me that this wouldn’t work, because it sounds like it is exactly what I need?
We have exactly this, Sales Order Entry (Read-Only) version, which is solely due to adding the Sales Order Entry program with customization again to menu structure and checking it as read only in menu maint. It definitely does not allow record adds or changes.
You do have to log out of Epicor and come back in to see security menu changes. Have you done that?
Yeah I have logged out and back in. I created it using our Manager account, so I even tried going in with my regular account, which has no security permissions and I was still able to actually edit and save the read only program. Makes no sense. I am doing this in our Pilot environment, so maybe I will go ahead and try it in live to see if there is any difference. I have had things just not work in Pilot for some reason and work fine in Live in the past so maybe this is one of those things?
I recalled Quote Entry being buggy with personalization and thought, hmm maybe Ethan’s right and quote entry read only doesn’t work just like he said. Welp, I tested it and you are correct. At least in my version of 10.1.600.20 with a customization. A read only, all companies, deployed quote entry opens at first appearance with all fields gray and uneditable. However when I pull in a quote it takes a little while and then voila, I get white editable fields.
Like I said, the read only works fine for sales order entry customization. However for Quote Entry not so.
That Quote Entry has been buggy for years in my experience, E9 thru E10.
If you didn’t want to go through every field and set it to read-only, you could make a data-directive on the quotehed/dtl tables that checks the customization being used when something is added/updated, and throw an error when it happens in the “Tracker” customization.
Thanks for testing that out on your end Nancy. We are running 10.2.300.0 over here and the Quote Entry is still buggy. Exactly as you explained is the same thing happening to me.