On the default data demo, I see a dashboard name “Top 5 customer…” so I don’t know how it filters out 5 top customers. Does it filter out automatically or does It have to be filtered manually?
In case it can filter automatically, does it automatically change when the rev from the customer changes? And if I want Top 10 instead of top 5 is there any way to set up the condition?
Most likely the BAQ (query) that provides the results to that dashboard has the “Top Clause” “Rows Number” set to ‘5’, and if you want Top 10 change the ‘5’ to ‘10’ there.
Normally a dashboard will be based on a BAQ. You can find dashboards under the Dashboard UI just use the spyglass and search for it. The dashboard should give the appropriate query to edit by right clicking the Query just above the results grid and selecting properties you will then see the Dashboard Query Properties UI with the Query ID… button followed by a textbox with the ID if the query you are looking for. Right click that and select open with Business Activity Query Entry and you will find the Top Clause field under the Query Builder > Subquery Options for the Type: TopLevel query.