Create Sales Order from EDI / Demand BPMs

We have EDI and a few customers want static Order Comments on all their EDI order yet they do not send said comments in their EDI. I need to make a BPM that appends the stock comments onto the comments that do come via EDI/Demand. These stock comments are stored in Customer.Comments (table/field).

I’ve tried Trace Logs but I can’t find the Methods I need to make this BPM. When I tried the very first section of the trace is post when the order was created:

  <localTime>8/31/2017 11:22:29:1681950 AM</localTime>
  <executionTime total="2213" roundTrip="2187" channel="0" bpm="0" other="26" />
    <parameter name="iDemandContractNum" type="System.Int32"><![CDATA[2]]></parameter>
    <parameter name="iDemandHeadSeq" type="System.Int32"><![CDATA[3287]]></parameter>
    <parameter name="cReturnMessage" type="System.String"><![CDATA[]]></parameter>
    <parameter name="cRejectFlag" type="System.Boolean"><![CDATA[False]]></parameter>
    <parameter name="CallContext" type="Ice.Bpm.Context.ContextDataSet">
      <ContextDataSet xmlns="">
    <returnParameter name="cReturnMessage" type="System.String"><![CDATA[Processing complete.  View the Demand Log for information on records that were bypassed or have warnings.]]></returnParameter>
    <returnParameter name="cRejectFlag" type="System.Boolean"><![CDATA[False]]></returnParameter>
    <Op Utc="2017-08-31T16:22:29.1707718Z" act="Erp:BO:DemandEntry/DemandEntrySvcContract/ProcessDemand" dur="2180.2033" cli="" usr="rstulce" machine="HQSE3001" pid="10312" tid="75" xmlns="" />

  <localTime>8/31/2017 11:22:31:3965504 AM</localTime>
  <executionTime total="76" roundTrip="68" channel="0" bpm="0" other="8" />
    <parameter name="demandContractNum" type="System.Int32"><![CDATA[2]]></parameter>
    <parameter name="demandHeadSeq" type="System.Int32"><![CDATA[3287]]></parameter>
    <parameter name="CallContext" type="Ice.Bpm.Context.ContextDataSet">
      <ContextDataSet xmlns="">
    <returnParameter name="returnDS" type="Erp.BO.DemandEntryDataSet">
      <DemandEntryDataSet xmlns="">
          <OrderComment> CONTACT: ROBERT DAVIS </OrderComment>
          <ShipToAddressList>WAL-MART STORE # 686~120 BENJAMIN H HILL DR W~FITZGERALD GA 31750~USA</ShipToAddressList>
          <AvailBTCustList>WX0000`Same as Sold To</AvailBTCustList>
          <BillToCustomerName>Same as Sold To</BillToCustomerName>
          <BTAddressList>WAL-MART~2001 S.E. 10TH STREET~BENTONVILLE AR 72712-6489~USA</BTAddressList>
          <CustAddrList>WAL-MART~2001 S.E. 10TH STREET~BENTONVILLE AR 72712-6489~USA</CustAddrList>
          <CurrencyCurrDesc>US Dollar</CurrencyCurrDesc>
          <FOBDescription>EXW - Pick up at Factory</FOBDescription>
          <ReservePriDescription>Wal-mart Order</ReservePriDescription>
          <ShipViaCodeDescription>Customer Pick-up</ShipViaCodeDescription>
          <TermsDescription>Net 30 Days</TermsDescription>
          <ShortChar06>NOT SCOPED OR NOT REUSABLE</ShortChar06>
          <LineDesc>DISPLAY FORNT&amp;BACK TIREWALL 48IN D10 RS</LineDesc>
          <MktgCampaignIDCampDescription>Existing Customer Campaign</MktgCampaignIDCampDescription>
          <MktgEvntEvntDescription>Existing Customer Campaign</MktgEvntEvntDescription>
    <Op Utc="2017-08-31T16:22:31.3894957Z" act="Erp:BO:DemandEntry/DemandEntrySvcContract/GetByID" dur="60.8326" cli="" usr="rstulce" machine="HQSE3001" pid="10312" tid="49" xmlns="" />

Hey Randy (Its been a while since I saw you)…
Anyway, The easiest way for this may be to simply put a DATA BPM in, and trigger it when the ROWMOD = “A”… then you only add the comments when the new record is added. You don’t need to worry about what method actually does the creation.

Hey there Tim, glad to see you around these parts. :wink: Thanks for reminding me I never updated this with the solution we came up with.

We had a customer that wanted specific comments only if they ordered via EDI, they also use the same CustID to make non-EDI orders. So we put the EDI specific comments into the Demand Contract “comment” field and created this Data BPM using your suggest trigger.

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Do you use Tie Kinetix? on premise or hosted?

We have Tie on premise, so i am not sure about hosted, but another solution could be to add the static comments to the map for the customer?


Glad you were able to resolve it. Will you be at Insights 2018? if so … would be good to see you again… I just realized we first met over 12 years ago. seems like only yesterday. :grinning:

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I wish! No, we have another product… at least I don’t have to do the outside of Epicor EDI stuff. :wink:

@timshuwy, OMG 12 years?! No it doesn’t seem that long ago at all. I can’t make Insights this year. :frowning: