Create Sales KITS using DMT

I am working to DMT sales KITS into Epicor and I’m getting stuck on the engineering workbench.
I can create a new GroupID, but I’m unsure of how to check out the part number, add the components and check in.

I don’t see any option on the DMT to do Check Out/In on “Engineering Workbench Group” or on “Part Revision”.


I tried doing this last week. You can use DMT to create new part numbers as sales kits. But you cannot use DMT to check in the sales kits parts into engineering workbench to create a BOM. That has to be done one part at a time.


I actually figured out how you can check them in and create the bill of materials so I was able to create all the kits I needed using the DMT tool. Thanks

-Steven Hutcheson

Steven, please share your solution.

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The solution for me was to run several DMTs in a specific order.

Part - This is where you create the initial KIT part. (Type code = ‘K’)
Part Plant - This will add that KIT part to the plant
Part Warehouse - This will add the KIT part to the warehouse
Part Revision - This is where you create the Part Revision for engineering workbench (Approved = ‘True’)
Bill Of Materials - This is where you input the Parent and Child partnumbers along with the Qty and MtlSeq. This will mimic the steps within the Engeneering workbench.

Let me know if you have any additional questions in creating KITS through DMT.

This excel file has a tab for each of the DMTs along with some sample data.

KIT setup DMT Template-Updated.xlsx (125.5 KB)

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