Create new record for UD table from Kinetic

Good morning!
I have setup UD06 as a log of certifications. I made a new UBAQ for UD06 along with a handful of related search BAQs. I used two BAQs to create my Kinetic application. The first UBAQ is for UD06, and just shows all the rows and columns from that table. I used uptake from Excel to populate about 30,000 rows of data in this table. The second BAQ links the cert row in UD06 to internal tables like Job, and Part. The BAQ filters on just the cert number you want to see, so it only returns one record with associated details.

I put these two BAQs together into a dashboard, then deployed it as a kinetic application. From there I am attempting to customize the application to allow me to enter a new record in the UD06 table. There are a few fields that I would like users to be able to choose an existing value for. For example, material, company and specification.

I setup three BAQs, one for each of these fields. For each field I just returned all the unique rows from UD06. My goal is to use these three BAQs to help feed the row source of three combo boxes.

At the bottom of the kinetic form, I added a new tabstrip and 2 column layout. To this I added textboxes, and combo boxes for the user to enter information for a new record for UD06.

I see that there is a new icon (plus with a circle), but when I click it, nothing happens. I would like to have a New Cert button that opens the tabstrip and prompts the user to enter information for a new cert log record. The user will type in values for most of the fields, but I want them to be able to choose an existing value from the comboboxes, or start typing an have the value autofill. My comboboxes seem to be disabled. I can set the epibinding to have them populate based on what the user clicks in the grid, but this isn’t what I want. I want an unbound field to sit there and hold the data until I tell it to save the data as a new row in UD06.

So there are two things I am fighting with.
How to create a new record for a UD table in a Kinetic form?
How to create an unbound combobox that is populated from a BAQ.

Thanks for your time!

How did you enable the “Uptake from Excel” functionality? Is it available in Kinetic? I have a uBAQ for UD06 as well. I created an updatable dashboard in App Studio and made the grid and columns updatable. I can do a Paste Update but there’s no Paste Insert, Paste New or Uptake from Excel option. Paste New is not disabled in grid properties and I did check “Allow New Record” in the uBAQ.

The only way I can add a record is to use the UD Table Maintenance form (I customized as per (Customization Scenario Overview – Kinetic 2023.2 (, but that only allows me to add one row at a time and I don’t feel like doing that 800 times!

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I think you need to enable Multi Dirty Row. Not sure how that translates to Kinetic dashboards though.


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Thanks. I created a Classic dashboard and it has the Uptake from Excel option in the Actions menu. Anyone know if this is available in Kinetic? I’d be happy with Paste New or Paste Insert too–anything to do a mass insert into a grid.

I haven’t gotten back into Kinetic yet. I don’t recall if I used uptake from Excel in Kinetic.

Just checked 2023.2 and no there does not appear to be any function. Did a simple copy paste with 3 rows on the customer table and it was pretty quick.

It may well be that they deemed in not necessary. Although just being able to select a file is less prone to error.

Planning on doing an install of 2024 in the next day or so I will retest.

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This just in … there is an existing problem for this, PRB0283190 Kinetic NewUI – Grid view Paste > New no longer available (In Release Planning).
Form - EpicCare (

And another one:
PRB0268191 - Kinetic Dashboard applications are not providing the Uptake from Excel actions for updatable dashboards (Accepted - Not Yet Planned)
Form - EpicCare (

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This is 2024.1.6


Is this what you were meaning?

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Yes. Thank you! Something to look forward to

Works in 2023.2 also

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