Create multiple line items that are similar parts

We are still on ERP 10.2.600 and eventually moving to Kinetic but that’s a ways off. When entering in a quote line item, is there a way to duplicate that line item multiple times and just change the significant information.

Example: I have 32 line items to enter in for gears to be manufactured. All these gears are very similar but just slightly different descriptions and the part numbers would need to be changed as well.

Is there a way to create all the line items I need up front and then go back and change that information?

Thank you

If you have a revision for one of the parts already built out in Engineering workbench, you can just use Get Details to bring in the MOM for each part.

These are all brand new parts with no method or engineering done on them yet. We start the quote process by entering in the information and attaching the prints to each line item so that engineering isn’t wasting time doing this process and can focus on the quoting portion. Just looking to see if there is a shortcut to populate all the line items I will need and then modify the information in each line item as needed.

Are the parts and quantities always grouped together? If so, you could use a sales kit.

If it’s different every time, there are a few possible options.

If you have the same customers ordering the same items, the “Build Order From History” option in the “Actions” menu on the toolbar might do it. If it’s not the same company, I can think of a couple workarounds that might allow you to still use that feature.

If the part numbers are very different for different orders, I can think of a few ways you could pull this off using Epicor Functions or even BPMs, but those would get pretty complicated.

Edit: My reading comprehension sucks today. The Build Order From History only works in Order Entry.

I appreciate the input so far. I think I figured out a way to do what I need to do for now. I put in the initial part number in the line item that I need. I then go to Actions > Quote Line > Copy Lines. Then I enter in the current quote that I’m doing and select the line item(s) I want to copy and it adds the duplicate line items to the quote. If I get a large enough group of them together I can create all the 32 line items immediately and then go through and change part numbers and revs and modify the descriptions. It may not save me a lot of time, but our system is slow between windows and creating quantity breaks. If I can save myself at least 10 minutes of re-entry for parts like this I’ll call it a win.

Not a bad solution. I think it might actually be even easier than that.

If you create a quote line, then under the Lines > List tab, right click and select “Copy All” (NOT “Copy All Include Labels”), then right click again and click “Paste Insert”, that will copy the first line. Repeat, and it will copy the 2 lines, and you’ll have 4 total. One more time and you’ll have 8 lines, then 16, then 32


You can also take the one line into excel and copy them down and paste insert them back in.

Or just make an excel template shove line to the very end and paste insert the whole thing.


That’s how I build BoMs!

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Thank you for the suggestion! I’ll have to try it on a mock quote to see how that works!

That’s a great suggestion as well. I’m not sure of the steps needed to do that or if I have permissions to import back in but I’ll look into it. Thank you.

So just like in the Gif I posted, right-click > “Copy All with labels”

Then open an empty Excel sheet, select cell A1, Paste

Copy row 2 (data) in Excel, highlight rows 3 - 32 and paste

This will give you 31 identical lines in excel. Copy all the data not including labels (just the cells, not entire rows, Epicor won’t like that). Back in the Epicor Quote Lines List, right click and select “Paste Insert”

And boom, 31 brand new lines on your quote.

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I will also try this suggestion the next time or on a mock quote so I can try it out sooner. These different suggestions should help me save some good time. I appreciate that

So, here’s an added question. I should probably start a new thread so it is easily found, but I believe it can also help with this. If I paste too many line items by accident, is there a simple way to delete line items at once?

Nope, one at a time. It’s not fun. Probably faster just to delete the quote and start new if you need to delete more than 4 or 5 lines.

OK. Not optimal but that’s what I figured.

One last question on this, probably should start a new thread on it as well, but is there a simple way to reorder the line items? I missed one part in the sequential order of prints and had to put it at the end of the list. Is there a way to move that one up to where it would technically belong?

I’ve never tried, really, but I can’t think of a reason the order should matter. You can re-sort the lines by any field, but the line #s determine the default order (and usually how they appear on quote sheets)

I had figured out a way to do it on the sales order a while back. Can’t remember how I did it now, but I think the only reason I’m looking at that option is my OCD seeing the part numbers on the prints as I entered them in out of order. So just my personal preference on that one.

When I have lists that I might need to slot items in between later, I change the IDs from the default (in this case, QuoteLine) 1, 2, 3 to something like 10,20,30. Not sure if it works the same way in quotes/orders as it does in other areas, and I’m sure they can’t be changed after the line is saved, so you’d have to change it as you enter lines (so with this method, change them in Excel before pasting back in)

When you paste them in does that override the item numbers already in the list? So If I copy all including labels, make the changes in excel and paste back into epicor, won’t it just create new line items and not override the ones there? I tried the paste update but it just added additional line items and didn’t “update” what was already there.