Almost all of what you want is in the LaborDtl table. To link to order release you will need to also link to JobProd and then down to OrderRel to tie the job to the order. The material order date might be a little trickier but might be available linking to JobMtl and then elsewhere, which could get hairy trying to track exactly what was issued to the job and where it was pulled from. But when the first clocking was done on the job would be in LaborDtl – MIN(ClockInDate). JobOper table will have if an operation is complete and the LastLaborDate – which should be the completed date.
-Todd C.
From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 5:14 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Create a report to display when material was issued and operations were completed.
Hello, again:
Running on a Progress DB with 8.03.403 and having trouble locating the labor transaction table for a creating a report.
We need the date the release was started in the shop, and when material was ordered or assigned to the release. If possible can we put the date of material order, material assigned, and first op start date?