Notification Service: Move the responsibility of sending “notifications” (email, etc.) out of core of Epicor and crate a service that works across all Epicor products so sending an email from a BPM works the same as from DocStar. Use the single responsibility principle to throw the notification package to the service. Now, all notification work is done in a single place. This makes adding capabilities so much easier. The service could also be able to check for confirmation, email bounce-backs, etc. Notification would go beyond antiquated email and use chat systems (Microsoft Teams, Slack, FB Messenger), To Do systems (Teams, Jira, Nirvana, Trello, Asana, etc.), Flow systems (O365 Flow, IFTTT, etc.) Users could pick what and how they want to be notified by type: text if one severity, email for another, create action item, show on Active Home Page, …