Count Part by Class

Thanks for the feedback. Sounds like I'm SOL for the moment. If I do come up with a solution I will definitely post it.


--- In, "Dan Godfrey" <dgodfrey@...> wrote:
> That is exactly it. I did the trace and then looked to duplicate the
> process. The BO.methods shown in the trace are not available through
> customization, either with the oTrans object or the adapter. I just
> found out that Vantage support will not/ can not help with this issues.
> I have not looked into overriding the dll, which is what their
> development team would do for $$.
> ________________________________
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of bw2868bond
> Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 4:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Re: Count Part by Class
> Have you done a trace to see what Business Objects are being used and
> the Methods called?
> --- In <> , "Dan
> Godfrey" <dgodfrey@> wrote:
> >
> > I am working on the exact thing. What I have learned is this:
> > 1) the transaction object in the form does not have a way to add a
> > record to the CountPart dataset.
> > a) there is no Update method in the methods list.
> > b) there is no GetNewCountPart method in the methods list
> >
> > 2) the CountPart Adapter does not have a way to add a record to the
> > CountPart dataset.
> > a) the update method does not allow you to pass in a dataset to
> > update.
> >
> > I have a call in to Vantage and I have not received a return call back
> > yet.
> >
> > I will let you know anything that I learn as it goes, please keep me
> > upto date with anything you learn.
> >
> > Dan
> >
> > ________________________________
> >
> > From: <>
> [ <> ] On
> Behalf
> > Of drew.pete
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 1:01 PM
> > To: <>
> > Subject: [Vantage] Count Part by Class
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I am working on a customization in the Count Group Entry Form which
> > would allow the user to select a group of parts based on their class
> ID.
> > I can get the search button to work to search for the parts and I
> > understand how to take the records returned from the search and write
> > those to a datasource. I am falling down, however, in creating the
> rows
> > in the datasource to dump the information into. Here is the code I
> have
> > thus far...
> >
> > Private Sub btnPartsClass_Click(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Args As
> > System.EventArgs) Handles btnPartsClass.Click
> > '// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
> > Dim recSelected as boolean
> > Dim showSearch as boolean = true
> > Dim whereclause As String = String.Empty
> > Dim multirecords As Boolean = True
> > Dim i as integer
> > Dim edvGroupView As EpiDataView =
> > CType(oTrans.EpiDataViews("groupView"), EpiDataView)
> > Dim GroupID As String =
> > edvGroupView.dataView(edvGroupView.Row)("GroupID")
> > Dim dsSelectParts As DataSet =
> >
> Epicor.Mfg.UI.FormFunctions.SearchFunctions.listLookup(oTrans,"PartAdapt
> > er",recSelected, showSearch, whereClause, multirecords)
> >
> > If (recSelected) Then
> > i = 1
> > Dim PartSelectAdapter As CountPrtAdapter = New
> > CountPrtAdapter(CountControlForm)
> >
> > PartSelectAdapter.BOConnect()
> >
> > while i <= dsSelectParts.Tables(0).Rows.count()-1
> >
> > Dim PartNum As String =
> > PartSelectAdapter.CountPrtData.Tables("CountPrt").Rows(i)("PartNum")
> >
> > PartSelectAdapter.GetNewCountPrt(GroupID)
> >
> > PartNum = dsSelectParts.Tables(0).Rows(i)("PartNum")
> >
> > i = i + 1
> > End While
> >
> > PartSelectAdapter.Dispose()
> >
> >
> > End If
> >
> > End Sub
> >
> > PartNum is not the only field I will be writing to the datasource. I
> > will be adding the others later when I get the structure down. I
> believe
> > I am falling down mostly with my inexperience with GetNewCountPrt. Is
> > this the right function to be using when wanting to write multiple
> > search records returned to a datasource? Thanks in advance for any
> help
> > you can provide.
> >
> > Drew
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I am working on a customization in the Count Group Entry Form which would allow the user to select a group of parts based on their class ID. I can get the search button to work to search for the parts and I understand how to take the records returned from the search and write those to a datasource. I am falling down, however, in creating the rows in the datasource to dump the information into. Here is the code I have thus far...

Private Sub btnPartsClass_Click(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Args As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPartsClass.Click
'// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
Dim recSelected as boolean
Dim showSearch as boolean = true
Dim whereclause As String = String.Empty
Dim multirecords As Boolean = True
Dim i as integer
Dim edvGroupView As EpiDataView = CType(oTrans.EpiDataViews("groupView"), EpiDataView)
Dim GroupID As String = edvGroupView.dataView(edvGroupView.Row)("GroupID")
Dim dsSelectParts As DataSet = Epicor.Mfg.UI.FormFunctions.SearchFunctions.listLookup(oTrans,"PartAdapter",recSelected, showSearch, whereClause, multirecords)

If (recSelected) Then
i = 1
Dim PartSelectAdapter As CountPrtAdapter = New CountPrtAdapter(CountControlForm)


while i <= dsSelectParts.Tables(0).Rows.count()-1

Dim PartNum As String = PartSelectAdapter.CountPrtData.Tables("CountPrt").Rows(i)("PartNum")


PartNum = dsSelectParts.Tables(0).Rows(i)("PartNum")

i = i + 1
End While


End If

End Sub

PartNum is not the only field I will be writing to the datasource. I will be adding the others later when I get the structure down. I believe I am falling down mostly with my inexperience with GetNewCountPrt. Is this the right function to be using when wanting to write multiple search records returned to a datasource? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

I am working on the exact thing. What I have learned is this:
1) the transaction object in the form does not have a way to add a
record to the CountPart dataset.
a) there is no Update method in the methods list.
b) there is no GetNewCountPart method in the methods list

2) the CountPart Adapter does not have a way to add a record to the
CountPart dataset.
a) the update method does not allow you to pass in a dataset to

I have a call in to Vantage and I have not received a return call back

I will let you know anything that I learn as it goes, please keep me
upto date with anything you learn.



From: [] On Behalf
Of drew.pete
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 1:01 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Count Part by Class

I am working on a customization in the Count Group Entry Form which
would allow the user to select a group of parts based on their class ID.
I can get the search button to work to search for the parts and I
understand how to take the records returned from the search and write
those to a datasource. I am falling down, however, in creating the rows
in the datasource to dump the information into. Here is the code I have
thus far...

Private Sub btnPartsClass_Click(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Args As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnPartsClass.Click
'// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
Dim recSelected as boolean
Dim showSearch as boolean = true
Dim whereclause As String = String.Empty
Dim multirecords As Boolean = True
Dim i as integer
Dim edvGroupView As EpiDataView =
CType(oTrans.EpiDataViews("groupView"), EpiDataView)
Dim GroupID As String =
Dim dsSelectParts As DataSet =
er",recSelected, showSearch, whereClause, multirecords)

If (recSelected) Then
i = 1
Dim PartSelectAdapter As CountPrtAdapter = New


while i <= dsSelectParts.Tables(0).Rows.count()-1

Dim PartNum As String =


PartNum = dsSelectParts.Tables(0).Rows(i)("PartNum")

i = i + 1
End While


End If

End Sub

PartNum is not the only field I will be writing to the datasource. I
will be adding the others later when I get the structure down. I believe
I am falling down mostly with my inexperience with GetNewCountPrt. Is
this the right function to be using when wanting to write multiple
search records returned to a datasource? Thanks in advance for any help
you can provide.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Have you done a trace to see what Business Objects are being used and the Methods called?

--- In, "Dan Godfrey" <dgodfrey@...> wrote:
> I am working on the exact thing. What I have learned is this:
> 1) the transaction object in the form does not have a way to add a
> record to the CountPart dataset.
> a) there is no Update method in the methods list.
> b) there is no GetNewCountPart method in the methods list
> 2) the CountPart Adapter does not have a way to add a record to the
> CountPart dataset.
> a) the update method does not allow you to pass in a dataset to
> update.
> I have a call in to Vantage and I have not received a return call back
> yet.
> I will let you know anything that I learn as it goes, please keep me
> upto date with anything you learn.
> Dan
> ________________________________
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of drew.pete
> Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 1:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Count Part by Class
> I am working on a customization in the Count Group Entry Form which
> would allow the user to select a group of parts based on their class ID.
> I can get the search button to work to search for the parts and I
> understand how to take the records returned from the search and write
> those to a datasource. I am falling down, however, in creating the rows
> in the datasource to dump the information into. Here is the code I have
> thus far...
> Private Sub btnPartsClass_Click(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Args As
> System.EventArgs) Handles btnPartsClass.Click
> '// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
> Dim recSelected as boolean
> Dim showSearch as boolean = true
> Dim whereclause As String = String.Empty
> Dim multirecords As Boolean = True
> Dim i as integer
> Dim edvGroupView As EpiDataView =
> CType(oTrans.EpiDataViews("groupView"), EpiDataView)
> Dim GroupID As String =
> edvGroupView.dataView(edvGroupView.Row)("GroupID")
> Dim dsSelectParts As DataSet =
> Epicor.Mfg.UI.FormFunctions.SearchFunctions.listLookup(oTrans,"PartAdapt
> er",recSelected, showSearch, whereClause, multirecords)
> If (recSelected) Then
> i = 1
> Dim PartSelectAdapter As CountPrtAdapter = New
> CountPrtAdapter(CountControlForm)
> PartSelectAdapter.BOConnect()
> while i <= dsSelectParts.Tables(0).Rows.count()-1
> Dim PartNum As String =
> PartSelectAdapter.CountPrtData.Tables("CountPrt").Rows(i)("PartNum")
> PartSelectAdapter.GetNewCountPrt(GroupID)
> PartNum = dsSelectParts.Tables(0).Rows(i)("PartNum")
> i = i + 1
> End While
> PartSelectAdapter.Dispose()
> End If
> End Sub
> PartNum is not the only field I will be writing to the datasource. I
> will be adding the others later when I get the structure down. I believe
> I am falling down mostly with my inexperience with GetNewCountPrt. Is
> this the right function to be using when wanting to write multiple
> search records returned to a datasource? Thanks in advance for any help
> you can provide.
> Drew
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
That is exactly it. I did the trace and then looked to duplicate the
process. The BO.methods shown in the trace are not available through
customization, either with the oTrans object or the adapter. I just
found out that Vantage support will not/ can not help with this issues.

I have not looked into overriding the dll, which is what their
development team would do for $$.


From: [] On Behalf
Of bw2868bond
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 4:38 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Count Part by Class

Have you done a trace to see what Business Objects are being used and
the Methods called?

--- In <> , "Dan
Godfrey" <dgodfrey@...> wrote:
> I am working on the exact thing. What I have learned is this:
> 1) the transaction object in the form does not have a way to add a
> record to the CountPart dataset.
> a) there is no Update method in the methods list.
> b) there is no GetNewCountPart method in the methods list
> 2) the CountPart Adapter does not have a way to add a record to the
> CountPart dataset.
> a) the update method does not allow you to pass in a dataset to
> update.
> I have a call in to Vantage and I have not received a return call back
> yet.
> I will let you know anything that I learn as it goes, please keep me
> upto date with anything you learn.
> Dan
> ________________________________
> From: <>
[ <> ] On
> Of drew.pete
> Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 1:01 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: [Vantage] Count Part by Class
> I am working on a customization in the Count Group Entry Form which
> would allow the user to select a group of parts based on their class
> I can get the search button to work to search for the parts and I
> understand how to take the records returned from the search and write
> those to a datasource. I am falling down, however, in creating the
> in the datasource to dump the information into. Here is the code I
> thus far...
> Private Sub btnPartsClass_Click(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Args As
> System.EventArgs) Handles btnPartsClass.Click
> '// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
> Dim recSelected as boolean
> Dim showSearch as boolean = true
> Dim whereclause As String = String.Empty
> Dim multirecords As Boolean = True
> Dim i as integer
> Dim edvGroupView As EpiDataView =
> CType(oTrans.EpiDataViews("groupView"), EpiDataView)
> Dim GroupID As String =
> edvGroupView.dataView(edvGroupView.Row)("GroupID")
> Dim dsSelectParts As DataSet =
> er",recSelected, showSearch, whereClause, multirecords)
> If (recSelected) Then
> i = 1
> Dim PartSelectAdapter As CountPrtAdapter = New
> CountPrtAdapter(CountControlForm)
> PartSelectAdapter.BOConnect()
> while i <= dsSelectParts.Tables(0).Rows.count()-1
> Dim PartNum As String =
> PartSelectAdapter.CountPrtData.Tables("CountPrt").Rows(i)("PartNum")
> PartSelectAdapter.GetNewCountPrt(GroupID)
> PartNum = dsSelectParts.Tables(0).Rows(i)("PartNum")
> i = i + 1
> End While
> PartSelectAdapter.Dispose()
> End If
> End Sub
> PartNum is not the only field I will be writing to the datasource. I
> will be adding the others later when I get the structure down. I
> I am falling down mostly with my inexperience with GetNewCountPrt. Is
> this the right function to be using when wanting to write multiple
> search records returned to a datasource? Thanks in advance for any
> you can provide.
> Drew
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]