Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report

Also, are you check any of the exclude boxes when scheduling the cycle.

From: [] On Behalf Of Ken Williams
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 2:00 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report

On the ABC codes, that is exactly how I understood it to work, thank you for verifying for me.

When I go into perform part selection, it's at that point that I only get ~150 parts. I've ran a query and every part has a code, so I don't understand why more aren't showing up?

From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Deirdre Sykes
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 10:06 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report

On Code A - You are stating that these parts need to be counted every 15 days and only calculate the top 80% (looks at value not quantity) of our inventory. If the remaining, values are under that 80%, they will not be selected.

In part maintenance, we designated a code for each part. Also, we do not do the calculate ABC code function. In the schedule cycle count maintenance, go to action - perform part selection. Doing it this way should look at the just the frequency and select all parts that fall under the frequency set-up in your ABC code maintenance.

Hope this helps.

From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Ken Williams
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 4:31 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report

I just redid "calculate ABC codes" and "initialize last count" - this bumped my number to 160, but it's still way short of the 800+ I'm expecting.

Here's my current ABC codes, this one being more aggressive (higher %'s) than previous.

Code Frequency Stock Value %
A 15 20
B 30 40
C 60 75
D 90 98
E 120 100

Would love any insight as to how I get my entire inventory to show up in the cycle to be counted.

From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Ken Williams
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 2:58 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report

Deintre, can you share with me your ABC code setup?

I've been struggling to get cycle counts going, and was very excited to see your detailed instructions.

Unfortunately when I got to part selection I had only 15 parts (out of 800+ we inventory). I went ahead and pushed them through in the first cycle period, thinking it might allow me to select more parts for the second cycle period but it didn't. When I do "Perform Part Selection" on the second period I get 0 parts back.

I think, from your instructions below, you basically get the entire years worth and then based on your ABC code structure manually move them across different periods? Is that accurate?

Any thoughts as to why I only got 15 parts and cannot get any more to show up having processed the first 15?


From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Deirdre Sykes
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:37 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report


Here is the script we devised in 700A. It is long but hope it can help.

Cycle Count Process Script

Step 1) Set Cycle count Period Definition

Material Management/Inventory Management/Set-Up/Cycle Count Period Definition

1. File - New

2. Enter in a description. The description should be the month and the name of the cycle count period definition that is being set up. (I.e. October IG raw material).

3. Period Start and End date - use current date. Note: This date is used to calculate how many cycle sequences will be generated under the cycle count period definition.

4. Save.

5. Write down the period number generated. Note: This will be needed in later in the process.

6. Repeat Steps 1 - 4, until all required cycle count period definitions are generated.

Step 2) Create cycle count Schedule -

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operation/Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance.

1. File - New - New Schedule
2. In the warehouse field - drop down and select GSI-Main Warehouse.
3. Confirm that the year is correct.
4. In the cycle count field - drop down and select the appropriate cycle count period definition.
5. In the part selection criteria pane - Check on Exclude Zero QOH, all other fields remain unchecked.
6. Save
7. Navigate over to the Cycle Tab.
8. Cycle count Schedule and sequences will appear. Cycle Count Date is system generated but not the actual date the count has to be performed.
9. Part must be selected for each cycle count sequence.
* Actions - Perform Part Selection
10. To view number of parts in each ABC code:
* Navigate over to the ABC Qty Tab.
11. Save
12. Repeat steps 1 -6 until all cycle period definitions have been scheduled. Note: A part selections is not required because the scheduling of the remaining period definition it to allows for parts to be moved into that cycle period in the part selection step.
13. File and Exit.

Step 3) Review the parts Selected.

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operation/Cycle Count Part Selection.

Note: This process must be performed before tags are generated.

1. Click on the cycle button.
2. Search for the appropriate cycle count and sequence.
3. All parts in the cycle count will appear in the parts selected pane. Parts need to move to their appropriate cycle count period definition. To determine which parts belong to what cycle count period, find the appropriate ABC code for that part. The ABC code is displayed right after the part description field. Please review the below cheat sheet:

* Move to another cycle count
i. Click on the radio button under the selected column for the specific part. Note: Repeat this steps until all applicable parts have been selected to be moved to the appropriate cycle count period.
ii. Click on move selection button
iii. Cycle Part Selection move part will display.
iv. Highlight the cycle period and sequence that the part is being transferred to.
v. Click okay.

* Remove a part
i. Click on the radio button under the selected column for the specific part.
ii. Click on remove selection button.

* Add a part
i. File - New
ii. Enter in the part number and tab
iii. Note: Warning message will appear if the part already exists in another cycle count or invalid part number.

Step 4) Generate Tag and start count sequence

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Confirm all the information is correct under the cycle pane.
3. After information is confirmed, the tag needs to be printed.
a. Actions - Generate tag
b. Number of blank tags:
c. Select sort by - By part/Bin ID/UOM/Lot Number
d. Click generate tags.
e. Pop window will display - stating the starting and ending tag # generated.
f. Click okay.
g. Blank tags must be printed. Note: Only all tags are printed for Screen making Inventory and IG Ink.
a. Actions - Print tags.
b. Click on blank tags.
c. All other fields remain the default.
d. Print preview.
e. Once print preview has opened - find the first page that the blank tags appear. Print only the pages that the blank tags display on.
f. File and Exit.
h. Snapshot of inventory and cost must be frozen. Note: Cycle count is not frozen until the morning that the cycle count is scheduled to start.
a. Actions - Start count sequence.
b. Process has run once the cycle status field changes from count scheduled to count started.
4. File and Exit.

Step 5) Returning tags.
Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Tag.

Note: The below steps are required so that any activity on the part before the count is accounted for and variance report is appropriately updated.

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Click on the tag button - search - click on select all
3. Click okay.
4. Navigate to the list tab.
5. Find the return column and click on the radio button. Enter in the individual employee number in the counted by column.
6. After all tags have been returned, file and exit.

Step 6) Review the variance report

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Actions - count variance calculation report.
3. Accept all default and print preview the report.
4. Export the report to excel:
a. Copy the tag number down for each part.
b. Sort by the variances.
c. Distribute the variance to the appropriate departments.
5. Follow Enter Count script to reconcile any variances.
6. File and exit.

Step 7) Enter Count (only required, if need to update a quantity - we scan our tag - use this if you have to manually enter in the count)

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Tag

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Enter the tag number including the zeros and tab.
3. On the detail tab - enter in the counted quantity, individual employee number, and date. Note: The counted date determines the transaction date that the inventory will be posted.
4. Save throughout entering the required information.
5. After all the counts have been entered, File and exit.

Step 8) - Enter discrepancy reason for variances

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Discrepancy Reason

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. In the reason code column - drop down and select the appropriate reason code.
a. To find the appropriate department:
i. Right click on the part # and open with part tracker.
ii. Navigate to the general tab
iii. The department can be found in the class field description.
iv. File and exit.
3. Note: If the value tolerance status states "out of tolerance" but the reason code column is grayed out means something in the process has not been completed. Will research after running the Print Count Part Not Posted Report. This report is run in the final step of posting inventory.

Step 9) - Posting Cycle Count

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Run a final variance report and save to the inventory folder. Actions - Count variance calculation report.
3. Before posting - the Print Count Part Not posted report must be ran. This report shows parts within the specified cycle sequence that have error that will result in the part not posting the count.
4. Actions - Print Count Parts Not Posted Report
5. If tags are not printed when generated - a warning message will display - Tags have not printed - continue with this report - click Yes.
6. Print the report and research the errors.
* Some possible reason for the errors are:
i. Count tags are missing for the part in the specified cycle. These are open tags for which count quantities have not yet been entered using the Count Tag Entry or Count Entry (Handheld) program. (Reference - Return tags)
ii. Count quantities have not yet been entered for the part using the Count Tag Entry or Count Entry (Handheld) program. (Reference - Return tags or count entry).
iii. The part is out of tolerance and requires entry of a count discrepancy code into the Count Discrepancy Code Entry program. (Reference - Enter discrepancy reason codes).
iv. The part has not been processed by the Count Variance Calculation/Report since counts were updated for the part. (Re-run the variance calculation report.
v. The Post Counts selection has not been run since the part became eligible for completion.

1. After all research and corrected, re-run the report in print preview. The report should not display anything since no records should be found with an error. Print out a final copy of the report.
2. Once all reason codes have been assigned - counts must be posted.
* Action - Post Counts
* Click on post.
* A display message will appear stating the file location the report was saved to, number of parts posted and that the cycle has been completed.
* Click okay.
* Cycle count status will change to completed.
File and exit.

From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Elizabeth
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:13 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report


This is the process in 9.04.507A... haven't tested it yet in 9.05.701 (still a few months away from that):

1. Initialize Physical Inventory
a. Enter a Start Date that is in the Fiscal Period you want the inventory taken in
b. Select Process (takes a few minutes to finish processing)
2. Cycle Count Maintenance
a. Click Cycle button to search
b. Select Cycle Period of the physical inventory just initialized
c. Select Include Physical Inventory checkbox, click Search, Click OK
d. Actions > Generate Tags
e. Actions > Print Tags
f. Actions > Start Count - the date on which this action is taken will be the eventual posting date for the inventory process.
4. Count Tag Entry
a. Click Cycle button, find Physical Inventory
7. Cycle Count Maintenance
a. Select current physical inventory
b. Actions >Print Unreturned/Voided Tags Report
c. Actions > Print Count Variance report
d. Actions > Print Recount Tags
e. Actions > Post Count

Ernie Lowell
Diba Industries

--- In<>, "bryandavis1980" wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, so during my testing, how would I go about setting up the "cycle count period"?
> Thanks,
> Bryan
> --- In<>, Deirdre Sykes wrote:
> >
> > Bryan,
> >
> > You do not set-up a group in 700. You search for the cycle count period that was previously scheduled and all the parts will come up. Then you must generate the tags and then the other options under action will open up.
> >
> > From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of bryandavis1980
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:00 AM
> > To:<>
> > Subject: [Vantage] Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report
> >
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> > In Epicor 9.05.700, under Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Count Cycle Maintenance... everything seems to be greyed out. It will not let me create a new group like we do in Vista 8.03.409C.. Everything in the "Actions" menu item are greyed out as well do to this. Could someone please tell me if there needs to be something done before I can create these new groups as we do in Vista?
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Bryan
> >
> >
> > CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message, including any attachment(s), may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The email is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or disseminating, and notify the sender by Reply email, so that our address record can be corrected.
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
In Epicor 9.05.700, under Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Count Cycle Maintenance... everything seems to be greyed out. It will not let me create a new group like we do in Vista 8.03.409C.. Everything in the "Actions" menu item are greyed out as well do to this. Could someone please tell me if there needs to be something done before I can create these new groups as we do in Vista?

Thank you,

You do not set-up a group in 700. You search for the cycle count period that was previously scheduled and all the parts will come up. Then you must generate the tags and then the other options under action will open up.

From: [] On Behalf Of bryandavis1980
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:00 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report

In Epicor 9.05.700, under Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Count Cycle Maintenance... everything seems to be greyed out. It will not let me create a new group like we do in Vista 8.03.409C.. Everything in the "Actions" menu item are greyed out as well do to this. Could someone please tell me if there needs to be something done before I can create these new groups as we do in Vista?

Thank you,

CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message, including any attachment(s), may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The email is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or disseminating, and notify the sender by Reply email, so that our address record can be corrected.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Thanks for the reply, so during my testing, how would I go about setting up the "cycle count period"?


--- In, Deirdre Sykes wrote:
> Bryan,
> You do not set-up a group in 700. You search for the cycle count period that was previously scheduled and all the parts will come up. Then you must generate the tags and then the other options under action will open up.
> From: [] On Behalf Of bryandavis1980
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:00 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report
> Hello,
> In Epicor 9.05.700, under Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Count Cycle Maintenance... everything seems to be greyed out. It will not let me create a new group like we do in Vista 8.03.409C.. Everything in the "Actions" menu item are greyed out as well do to this. Could someone please tell me if there needs to be something done before I can create these new groups as we do in Vista?
> Thank you,
> Bryan
> CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message, including any attachment(s), may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The email is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or disseminating, and notify the sender by Reply email, so that our address record can be corrected.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Have you setup your cycle count period definitions?


From: [] On Behalf Of bryandavis1980
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 9:52 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report

Thanks for the reply, so during my testing, how would I go about setting up the "cycle count period"?


--- In<>, Deirdre Sykes wrote:
> Bryan,
> You do not set-up a group in 700. You search for the cycle count period that was previously scheduled and all the parts will come up. Then you must generate the tags and then the other options under action will open up.
> From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of bryandavis1980
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:00 AM
> To:<>
> Subject: [Vantage] Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report
> Hello,
> In Epicor 9.05.700, under Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Count Cycle Maintenance... everything seems to be greyed out. It will not let me create a new group like we do in Vista 8.03.409C.. Everything in the "Actions" menu item are greyed out as well do to this. Could someone please tell me if there needs to be something done before I can create these new groups as we do in Vista?
> Thank you,
> Bryan
> CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message, including any attachment(s), may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The email is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or disseminating, and notify the sender by Reply email, so that our address record can be corrected.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

This is the process in 9.04.507A... haven't tested it yet in 9.05.701 (still a few months away from that):

1. Initialize Physical Inventory
a. Enter a Start Date that is in the Fiscal Period you want the inventory taken in
b. Select Process (takes a few minutes to finish processing)
2. Cycle Count Maintenance
a. Click Cycle button to search
b. Select Cycle Period of the physical inventory just initialized
c. Select Include Physical Inventory checkbox, click Search, Click OK
d. Actions > Generate Tags
e. Actions > Print Tags
f. Actions > Start Count – the date on which this action is taken will be the eventual posting date for the inventory process.
4. Count Tag Entry
a. Click Cycle button, find Physical Inventory
7. Cycle Count Maintenance
a. Select current physical inventory
b. Actions >Print Unreturned/Voided Tags Report
c. Actions > Print Count Variance report
d. Actions > Print Recount Tags
e. Actions > Post Count

Ernie Lowell
Diba Industries

--- In, "bryandavis1980" wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, so during my testing, how would I go about setting up the "cycle count period"?
> Thanks,
> Bryan
> --- In, Deirdre Sykes wrote:
> >
> > Bryan,
> >
> > You do not set-up a group in 700. You search for the cycle count period that was previously scheduled and all the parts will come up. Then you must generate the tags and then the other options under action will open up.
> >
> > From: [] On Behalf Of bryandavis1980
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:00 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [Vantage] Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report
> >
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> > In Epicor 9.05.700, under Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Count Cycle Maintenance... everything seems to be greyed out. It will not let me create a new group like we do in Vista 8.03.409C.. Everything in the "Actions" menu item are greyed out as well do to this. Could someone please tell me if there needs to be something done before I can create these new groups as we do in Vista?
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Bryan
> >
> >
> > CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message, including any attachment(s), may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The email is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or disseminating, and notify the sender by Reply email, so that our address record can be corrected.
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

Here is the script we devised in 700A. It is long but hope it can help.

Cycle Count Process Script

Step 1) Set Cycle count Period Definition

Material Management/Inventory Management/Set-Up/Cycle Count Period Definition

1. File - New

2. Enter in a description. The description should be the month and the name of the cycle count period definition that is being set up. (I.e. October IG raw material).

3. Period Start and End date - use current date. Note: This date is used to calculate how many cycle sequences will be generated under the cycle count period definition.

4. Save.

5. Write down the period number generated. Note: This will be needed in later in the process.

6. Repeat Steps 1 - 4, until all required cycle count period definitions are generated.

Step 2) Create cycle count Schedule -

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operation/Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance.

1. File - New - New Schedule
2. In the warehouse field - drop down and select GSI-Main Warehouse.
3. Confirm that the year is correct.
4. In the cycle count field - drop down and select the appropriate cycle count period definition.
5. In the part selection criteria pane - Check on Exclude Zero QOH, all other fields remain unchecked.
6. Save
7. Navigate over to the Cycle Tab.
8. Cycle count Schedule and sequences will appear. Cycle Count Date is system generated but not the actual date the count has to be performed.
9. Part must be selected for each cycle count sequence.
* Actions - Perform Part Selection
10. To view number of parts in each ABC code:
* Navigate over to the ABC Qty Tab.
11. Save
12. Repeat steps 1 -6 until all cycle period definitions have been scheduled. Note: A part selections is not required because the scheduling of the remaining period definition it to allows for parts to be moved into that cycle period in the part selection step.
13. File and Exit.

Step 3) Review the parts Selected.

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operation/Cycle Count Part Selection.

Note: This process must be performed before tags are generated.

1. Click on the cycle button.
2. Search for the appropriate cycle count and sequence.
3. All parts in the cycle count will appear in the parts selected pane. Parts need to move to their appropriate cycle count period definition. To determine which parts belong to what cycle count period, find the appropriate ABC code for that part. The ABC code is displayed right after the part description field. Please review the below cheat sheet:

* Move to another cycle count
i. Click on the radio button under the selected column for the specific part. Note: Repeat this steps until all applicable parts have been selected to be moved to the appropriate cycle count period.
ii. Click on move selection button
iii. Cycle Part Selection move part will display.
iv. Highlight the cycle period and sequence that the part is being transferred to.
v. Click okay.

* Remove a part
i. Click on the radio button under the selected column for the specific part.
ii. Click on remove selection button.

* Add a part
i. File - New
ii. Enter in the part number and tab
iii. Note: Warning message will appear if the part already exists in another cycle count or invalid part number.

Step 4) Generate Tag and start count sequence

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Confirm all the information is correct under the cycle pane.
3. After information is confirmed, the tag needs to be printed.
a. Actions - Generate tag
b. Number of blank tags:
c. Select sort by - By part/Bin ID/UOM/Lot Number
d. Click generate tags.
e. Pop window will display - stating the starting and ending tag # generated.
f. Click okay.
g. Blank tags must be printed. Note: Only all tags are printed for Screen making Inventory and IG Ink.
a. Actions - Print tags.
b. Click on blank tags.
c. All other fields remain the default.
d. Print preview.
e. Once print preview has opened - find the first page that the blank tags appear. Print only the pages that the blank tags display on.
f. File and Exit.
h. Snapshot of inventory and cost must be frozen. Note: Cycle count is not frozen until the morning that the cycle count is scheduled to start.
a. Actions - Start count sequence.
b. Process has run once the cycle status field changes from count scheduled to count started.
4. File and Exit.

Step 5) Returning tags.
Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Tag.

Note: The below steps are required so that any activity on the part before the count is accounted for and variance report is appropriately updated.

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Click on the tag button - search - click on select all
3. Click okay.
4. Navigate to the list tab.
5. Find the return column and click on the radio button. Enter in the individual employee number in the counted by column.
6. After all tags have been returned, file and exit.

Step 6) Review the variance report

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Actions - count variance calculation report.
3. Accept all default and print preview the report.
4. Export the report to excel:
a. Copy the tag number down for each part.
b. Sort by the variances.
c. Distribute the variance to the appropriate departments.
5. Follow Enter Count script to reconcile any variances.
6. File and exit.

Step 7) Enter Count (only required, if need to update a quantity - we scan our tag - use this if you have to manually enter in the count)

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Tag

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Enter the tag number including the zeros and tab.
3. On the detail tab - enter in the counted quantity, individual employee number, and date. Note: The counted date determines the transaction date that the inventory will be posted.
4. Save throughout entering the required information.
5. After all the counts have been entered, File and exit.

Step 8) - Enter discrepancy reason for variances

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Discrepancy Reason

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. In the reason code column - drop down and select the appropriate reason code.
a. To find the appropriate department:
i. Right click on the part # and open with part tracker.
ii. Navigate to the general tab
iii. The department can be found in the class field description.
iv. File and exit.
3. Note: If the value tolerance status states "out of tolerance" but the reason code column is grayed out means something in the process has not been completed. Will research after running the Print Count Part Not Posted Report. This report is run in the final step of posting inventory.

Step 9) - Posting Cycle Count

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Run a final variance report and save to the inventory folder. Actions - Count variance calculation report.
3. Before posting - the Print Count Part Not posted report must be ran. This report shows parts within the specified cycle sequence that have error that will result in the part not posting the count.
4. Actions - Print Count Parts Not Posted Report
5. If tags are not printed when generated - a warning message will display - Tags have not printed - continue with this report - click Yes.
6. Print the report and research the errors.
* Some possible reason for the errors are:
i. Count tags are missing for the part in the specified cycle. These are open tags for which count quantities have not yet been entered using the Count Tag Entry or Count Entry (Handheld) program. (Reference - Return tags)
ii. Count quantities have not yet been entered for the part using the Count Tag Entry or Count Entry (Handheld) program. (Reference - Return tags or count entry).
iii. The part is out of tolerance and requires entry of a count discrepancy code into the Count Discrepancy Code Entry program. (Reference - Enter discrepancy reason codes).
iv. The part has not been processed by the Count Variance Calculation/Report since counts were updated for the part. (Re-run the variance calculation report.
v. The Post Counts selection has not been run since the part became eligible for completion.

1. After all research and corrected, re-run the report in print preview. The report should not display anything since no records should be found with an error. Print out a final copy of the report.
2. Once all reason codes have been assigned - counts must be posted.
* Action - Post Counts
* Click on post.
* A display message will appear stating the file location the report was saved to, number of parts posted and that the cycle has been completed.
* Click okay.
* Cycle count status will change to completed.
File and exit.

From: [] On Behalf Of Elizabeth
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:13 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report


This is the process in 9.04.507A... haven't tested it yet in 9.05.701 (still a few months away from that):

1. Initialize Physical Inventory
a. Enter a Start Date that is in the Fiscal Period you want the inventory taken in
b. Select Process (takes a few minutes to finish processing)
2. Cycle Count Maintenance
a. Click Cycle button to search
b. Select Cycle Period of the physical inventory just initialized
c. Select Include Physical Inventory checkbox, click Search, Click OK
d. Actions > Generate Tags
e. Actions > Print Tags
f. Actions > Start Count - the date on which this action is taken will be the eventual posting date for the inventory process.
4. Count Tag Entry
a. Click Cycle button, find Physical Inventory
7. Cycle Count Maintenance
a. Select current physical inventory
b. Actions >Print Unreturned/Voided Tags Report
c. Actions > Print Count Variance report
d. Actions > Print Recount Tags
e. Actions > Post Count

Ernie Lowell
Diba Industries

--- In<>, "bryandavis1980" wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, so during my testing, how would I go about setting up the "cycle count period"?
> Thanks,
> Bryan
> --- In<>, Deirdre Sykes wrote:
> >
> > Bryan,
> >
> > You do not set-up a group in 700. You search for the cycle count period that was previously scheduled and all the parts will come up. Then you must generate the tags and then the other options under action will open up.
> >
> > From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of bryandavis1980
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:00 AM
> > To:<>
> > Subject: [Vantage] Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report
> >
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> > In Epicor 9.05.700, under Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Count Cycle Maintenance... everything seems to be greyed out. It will not let me create a new group like we do in Vista 8.03.409C.. Everything in the "Actions" menu item are greyed out as well do to this. Could someone please tell me if there needs to be something done before I can create these new groups as we do in Vista?
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Bryan
> >
> >
> > CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message, including any attachment(s), may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The email is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or disseminating, and notify the sender by Reply email, so that our address record can be corrected.
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message, including any attachment(s), may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The email is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or disseminating, and notify the sender by Reply email, so that our address record can be corrected.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Awesome! This helped us tremendously. Thank you for such detailed information and steps. Just ran through it with the people in charge of inventory and they were really happy, especially with the detailed instructions.


--- In, Deirdre Sykes wrote:
> Bryan,
> Here is the script we devised in 700A. It is long but hope it can help.
> Cycle Count Process Script
> Step 1) Set Cycle count Period Definition
> Material Management/Inventory Management/Set-Up/Cycle Count Period Definition
> 1. File - New
> 2. Enter in a description. The description should be the month and the name of the cycle count period definition that is being set up. (I.e. October IG raw material).
> 3. Period Start and End date - use current date. Note: This date is used to calculate how many cycle sequences will be generated under the cycle count period definition.
> 4. Save.
> 5. Write down the period number generated. Note: This will be needed in later in the process.
> 6. Repeat Steps 1 - 4, until all required cycle count period definitions are generated.
> Step 2) Create cycle count Schedule -
> Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operation/Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance.
> 1. File - New - New Schedule
> 2. In the warehouse field - drop down and select GSI-Main Warehouse.
> 3. Confirm that the year is correct.
> 4. In the cycle count field - drop down and select the appropriate cycle count period definition.
> 5. In the part selection criteria pane - Check on Exclude Zero QOH, all other fields remain unchecked.
> 6. Save
> 7. Navigate over to the Cycle Tab.
> 8. Cycle count Schedule and sequences will appear. Cycle Count Date is system generated but not the actual date the count has to be performed.
> 9. Part must be selected for each cycle count sequence.
> * Actions - Perform Part Selection
> 10. To view number of parts in each ABC code:
> * Navigate over to the ABC Qty Tab.
> 11. Save
> 12. Repeat steps 1 -6 until all cycle period definitions have been scheduled. Note: A part selections is not required because the scheduling of the remaining period definition it to allows for parts to be moved into that cycle period in the part selection step.
> 13. File and Exit.
> Step 3) Review the parts Selected.
> Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operation/Cycle Count Part Selection.
> Note: This process must be performed before tags are generated.
> 1. Click on the cycle button.
> 2. Search for the appropriate cycle count and sequence.
> 3. All parts in the cycle count will appear in the parts selected pane. Parts need to move to their appropriate cycle count period definition. To determine which parts belong to what cycle count period, find the appropriate ABC code for that part. The ABC code is displayed right after the part description field. Please review the below cheat sheet:
> * Move to another cycle count
> i. Click on the radio button under the selected column for the specific part. Note: Repeat this steps until all applicable parts have been selected to be moved to the appropriate cycle count period.
> ii. Click on move selection button
> iii. Cycle Part Selection move part will display.
> iv. Highlight the cycle period and sequence that the part is being transferred to.
> v. Click okay.
> * Remove a part
> i. Click on the radio button under the selected column for the specific part.
> ii. Click on remove selection button.
> * Add a part
> i. File - New
> ii. Enter in the part number and tab
> iii. Note: Warning message will appear if the part already exists in another cycle count or invalid part number.
> Step 4) Generate Tag and start count sequence
> Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance
> 1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
> 2. Confirm all the information is correct under the cycle pane.
> 3. After information is confirmed, the tag needs to be printed.
> a. Actions - Generate tag
> b. Number of blank tags:
> c. Select sort by - By part/Bin ID/UOM/Lot Number
> d. Click generate tags.
> e. Pop window will display - stating the starting and ending tag # generated.
> f. Click okay.
> g. Blank tags must be printed. Note: Only all tags are printed for Screen making Inventory and IG Ink.
> a. Actions - Print tags.
> b. Click on blank tags.
> c. All other fields remain the default.
> d. Print preview.
> e. Once print preview has opened - find the first page that the blank tags appear. Print only the pages that the blank tags display on.
> f. File and Exit.
> h. Snapshot of inventory and cost must be frozen. Note: Cycle count is not frozen until the morning that the cycle count is scheduled to start.
> a. Actions - Start count sequence.
> b. Process has run once the cycle status field changes from count scheduled to count started.
> 4. File and Exit.
> Step 5) Returning tags.
> Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Tag.
> Note: The below steps are required so that any activity on the part before the count is accounted for and variance report is appropriately updated.
> 1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
> 2. Click on the tag button - search - click on select all
> 3. Click okay.
> 4. Navigate to the list tab.
> 5. Find the return column and click on the radio button. Enter in the individual employee number in the counted by column.
> 6. After all tags have been returned, file and exit.
> Step 6) Review the variance report
> Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance
> 1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
> 2. Actions - count variance calculation report.
> 3. Accept all default and print preview the report.
> 4. Export the report to excel:
> a. Copy the tag number down for each part.
> b. Sort by the variances.
> c. Distribute the variance to the appropriate departments.
> 5. Follow Enter Count script to reconcile any variances.
> 6. File and exit.
> Step 7) Enter Count (only required, if need to update a quantity - we scan our tag - use this if you have to manually enter in the count)
> Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Tag
> 1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
> 2. Enter the tag number including the zeros and tab.
> 3. On the detail tab - enter in the counted quantity, individual employee number, and date. Note: The counted date determines the transaction date that the inventory will be posted.
> 4. Save throughout entering the required information.
> 5. After all the counts have been entered, File and exit.
> Step 8) - Enter discrepancy reason for variances
> Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Discrepancy Reason
> 1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
> 2. In the reason code column - drop down and select the appropriate reason code.
> a. To find the appropriate department:
> i. Right click on the part # and open with part tracker.
> ii. Navigate to the general tab
> iii. The department can be found in the class field description.
> iv. File and exit.
> 3. Note: If the value tolerance status states "out of tolerance" but the reason code column is grayed out means something in the process has not been completed. Will research after running the Print Count Part Not Posted Report. This report is run in the final step of posting inventory.
> Step 9) - Posting Cycle Count
> Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance
> 1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
> 2. Run a final variance report and save to the inventory folder. Actions - Count variance calculation report.
> 3. Before posting - the Print Count Part Not posted report must be ran. This report shows parts within the specified cycle sequence that have error that will result in the part not posting the count.
> 4. Actions - Print Count Parts Not Posted Report
> 5. If tags are not printed when generated - a warning message will display - Tags have not printed - continue with this report - click Yes.
> 6. Print the report and research the errors.
> * Some possible reason for the errors are:
> i. Count tags are missing for the part in the specified cycle. These are open tags for which count quantities have not yet been entered using the Count Tag Entry or Count Entry (Handheld) program. (Reference - Return tags)
> ii. Count quantities have not yet been entered for the part using the Count Tag Entry or Count Entry (Handheld) program. (Reference - Return tags or count entry).
> iii. The part is out of tolerance and requires entry of a count discrepancy code into the Count Discrepancy Code Entry program. (Reference - Enter discrepancy reason codes).
> iv. The part has not been processed by the Count Variance Calculation/Report since counts were updated for the part. (Re-run the variance calculation report.
> v. The Post Counts selection has not been run since the part became eligible for completion.
> 1. After all research and corrected, re-run the report in print preview. The report should not display anything since no records should be found with an error. Print out a final copy of the report.
> 2. Once all reason codes have been assigned - counts must be posted.
> * Action - Post Counts
> * Click on post.
> * A display message will appear stating the file location the report was saved to, number of parts posted and that the cycle has been completed.
> * Click okay.
> * Cycle count status will change to completed.
> File and exit.
> From: [] On Behalf Of Elizabeth
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:13 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report
> Bryan,
> This is the process in 9.04.507A... haven't tested it yet in 9.05.701 (still a few months away from that):
> 1. Initialize Physical Inventory
> a. Enter a Start Date that is in the Fiscal Period you want the inventory taken in
> b. Select Process (takes a few minutes to finish processing)
> 2. Cycle Count Maintenance
> a. Click Cycle button to search
> b. Select Cycle Period of the physical inventory just initialized
> c. Select Include Physical Inventory checkbox, click Search, Click OK
> d. Actions > Generate Tags
> e. Actions > Print Tags
> f. Actions > Start Count - the date on which this action is taken will be the eventual posting date for the inventory process.
> 4. Count Tag Entry
> a. Click Cycle button, find Physical Inventory
> 7. Cycle Count Maintenance
> a. Select current physical inventory
> b. Actions >Print Unreturned/Voided Tags Report
> c. Actions > Print Count Variance report
> d. Actions > Print Recount Tags
> e. Actions > Post Count
> Ernie Lowell
> Diba Industries
> --- In , "bryandavis1980" wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for the reply, so during my testing, how would I go about setting up the "cycle count period"?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Bryan
> >
> > --- In , Deirdre Sykes wrote:
> > >
> > > Bryan,
> > >
> > > You do not set-up a group in 700. You search for the cycle count period that was previously scheduled and all the parts will come up. Then you must generate the tags and then the other options under action will open up.
> > >
> > > From: [ ] On Behalf Of bryandavis1980
> > > Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:00 AM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [Vantage] Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Hello,
> > > In Epicor 9.05.700, under Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Count Cycle Maintenance... everything seems to be greyed out. It will not let me create a new group like we do in Vista 8.03.409C.. Everything in the "Actions" menu item are greyed out as well do to this. Could someone please tell me if there needs to be something done before I can create these new groups as we do in Vista?
> > >
> > > Thank you,
> > > Bryan
> > >
> > >
> > > CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message, including any attachment(s), may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The email is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or disseminating, and notify the sender by Reply email, so that our address record can be corrected.
> > >
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> >
> CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message, including any attachment(s), may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The email is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or disseminating, and notify the sender by Reply email, so that our address record can be corrected.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Thank you so much for the step by step instructions! Great to have people like you in this user group helping. Thanks again!


--- In, "Elizabeth" wrote:
> Bryan,
> This is the process in 9.04.507A... haven't tested it yet in 9.05.701 (still a few months away from that):
> 1. Initialize Physical Inventory
> a. Enter a Start Date that is in the Fiscal Period you want the inventory taken in
> b. Select Process (takes a few minutes to finish processing)
> 2. Cycle Count Maintenance
> a. Click Cycle button to search
> b. Select Cycle Period of the physical inventory just initialized
> c. Select Include Physical Inventory checkbox, click Search, Click OK
> d. Actions > Generate Tags
> e. Actions > Print Tags
> f. Actions > Start Count – the date on which this action is taken will be the eventual posting date for the inventory process.
> 4. Count Tag Entry
> a. Click Cycle button, find Physical Inventory
> 7. Cycle Count Maintenance
> a. Select current physical inventory
> b. Actions >Print Unreturned/Voided Tags Report
> c. Actions > Print Count Variance report
> d. Actions > Print Recount Tags
> e. Actions > Post Count
> Ernie Lowell
> Diba Industries
> --- In, "bryandavis1980" wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for the reply, so during my testing, how would I go about setting up the "cycle count period"?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Bryan
> >
> > --- In, Deirdre Sykes wrote:
> > >
> > > Bryan,
> > >
> > > You do not set-up a group in 700. You search for the cycle count period that was previously scheduled and all the parts will come up. Then you must generate the tags and then the other options under action will open up.
> > >
> > > From: [] On Behalf Of bryandavis1980
> > > Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:00 AM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [Vantage] Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Hello,
> > > In Epicor 9.05.700, under Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Count Cycle Maintenance... everything seems to be greyed out. It will not let me create a new group like we do in Vista 8.03.409C.. Everything in the "Actions" menu item are greyed out as well do to this. Could someone please tell me if there needs to be something done before I can create these new groups as we do in Vista?
> > >
> > > Thank you,
> > > Bryan
> > >
> > >
> > > CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message, including any attachment(s), may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The email is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or disseminating, and notify the sender by Reply email, so that our address record can be corrected.
> > >
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> >
Deintre, can you share with me your ABC code setup?

I've been struggling to get cycle counts going, and was very excited to see your detailed instructions.

Unfortunately when I got to part selection I had only 15 parts (out of 800+ we inventory). I went ahead and pushed them through in the first cycle period, thinking it might allow me to select more parts for the second cycle period but it didn't. When I do "Perform Part Selection" on the second period I get 0 parts back.

I think, from your instructions below, you basically get the entire years worth and then based on your ABC code structure manually move them across different periods? Is that accurate?

Any thoughts as to why I only got 15 parts and cannot get any more to show up having processed the first 15?


From: [] On Behalf Of Deirdre Sykes
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:37 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report


Here is the script we devised in 700A. It is long but hope it can help.

Cycle Count Process Script

Step 1) Set Cycle count Period Definition

Material Management/Inventory Management/Set-Up/Cycle Count Period Definition

1. File - New

2. Enter in a description. The description should be the month and the name of the cycle count period definition that is being set up. (I.e. October IG raw material).

3. Period Start and End date - use current date. Note: This date is used to calculate how many cycle sequences will be generated under the cycle count period definition.

4. Save.

5. Write down the period number generated. Note: This will be needed in later in the process.

6. Repeat Steps 1 - 4, until all required cycle count period definitions are generated.

Step 2) Create cycle count Schedule -

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operation/Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance.

1. File - New - New Schedule
2. In the warehouse field - drop down and select GSI-Main Warehouse.
3. Confirm that the year is correct.
4. In the cycle count field - drop down and select the appropriate cycle count period definition.
5. In the part selection criteria pane - Check on Exclude Zero QOH, all other fields remain unchecked.
6. Save
7. Navigate over to the Cycle Tab.
8. Cycle count Schedule and sequences will appear. Cycle Count Date is system generated but not the actual date the count has to be performed.
9. Part must be selected for each cycle count sequence.
* Actions - Perform Part Selection
10. To view number of parts in each ABC code:
* Navigate over to the ABC Qty Tab.
11. Save
12. Repeat steps 1 -6 until all cycle period definitions have been scheduled. Note: A part selections is not required because the scheduling of the remaining period definition it to allows for parts to be moved into that cycle period in the part selection step.
13. File and Exit.

Step 3) Review the parts Selected.

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operation/Cycle Count Part Selection.

Note: This process must be performed before tags are generated.

1. Click on the cycle button.
2. Search for the appropriate cycle count and sequence.
3. All parts in the cycle count will appear in the parts selected pane. Parts need to move to their appropriate cycle count period definition. To determine which parts belong to what cycle count period, find the appropriate ABC code for that part. The ABC code is displayed right after the part description field. Please review the below cheat sheet:

* Move to another cycle count
i. Click on the radio button under the selected column for the specific part. Note: Repeat this steps until all applicable parts have been selected to be moved to the appropriate cycle count period.
ii. Click on move selection button
iii. Cycle Part Selection move part will display.
iv. Highlight the cycle period and sequence that the part is being transferred to.
v. Click okay.

* Remove a part
i. Click on the radio button under the selected column for the specific part.
ii. Click on remove selection button.

* Add a part
i. File - New
ii. Enter in the part number and tab
iii. Note: Warning message will appear if the part already exists in another cycle count or invalid part number.

Step 4) Generate Tag and start count sequence

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Confirm all the information is correct under the cycle pane.
3. After information is confirmed, the tag needs to be printed.
a. Actions - Generate tag
b. Number of blank tags:
c. Select sort by - By part/Bin ID/UOM/Lot Number
d. Click generate tags.
e. Pop window will display - stating the starting and ending tag # generated.
f. Click okay.
g. Blank tags must be printed. Note: Only all tags are printed for Screen making Inventory and IG Ink.
a. Actions - Print tags.
b. Click on blank tags.
c. All other fields remain the default.
d. Print preview.
e. Once print preview has opened - find the first page that the blank tags appear. Print only the pages that the blank tags display on.
f. File and Exit.
h. Snapshot of inventory and cost must be frozen. Note: Cycle count is not frozen until the morning that the cycle count is scheduled to start.
a. Actions - Start count sequence.
b. Process has run once the cycle status field changes from count scheduled to count started.
4. File and Exit.

Step 5) Returning tags.
Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Tag.

Note: The below steps are required so that any activity on the part before the count is accounted for and variance report is appropriately updated.

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Click on the tag button - search - click on select all
3. Click okay.
4. Navigate to the list tab.
5. Find the return column and click on the radio button. Enter in the individual employee number in the counted by column.
6. After all tags have been returned, file and exit.

Step 6) Review the variance report

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Actions - count variance calculation report.
3. Accept all default and print preview the report.
4. Export the report to excel:
a. Copy the tag number down for each part.
b. Sort by the variances.
c. Distribute the variance to the appropriate departments.
5. Follow Enter Count script to reconcile any variances.
6. File and exit.

Step 7) Enter Count (only required, if need to update a quantity - we scan our tag - use this if you have to manually enter in the count)

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Tag

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Enter the tag number including the zeros and tab.
3. On the detail tab - enter in the counted quantity, individual employee number, and date. Note: The counted date determines the transaction date that the inventory will be posted.
4. Save throughout entering the required information.
5. After all the counts have been entered, File and exit.

Step 8) - Enter discrepancy reason for variances

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Discrepancy Reason

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. In the reason code column - drop down and select the appropriate reason code.
a. To find the appropriate department:
i. Right click on the part # and open with part tracker.
ii. Navigate to the general tab
iii. The department can be found in the class field description.
iv. File and exit.
3. Note: If the value tolerance status states "out of tolerance" but the reason code column is grayed out means something in the process has not been completed. Will research after running the Print Count Part Not Posted Report. This report is run in the final step of posting inventory.

Step 9) - Posting Cycle Count

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Run a final variance report and save to the inventory folder. Actions - Count variance calculation report.
3. Before posting - the Print Count Part Not posted report must be ran. This report shows parts within the specified cycle sequence that have error that will result in the part not posting the count.
4. Actions - Print Count Parts Not Posted Report
5. If tags are not printed when generated - a warning message will display - Tags have not printed - continue with this report - click Yes.
6. Print the report and research the errors.
* Some possible reason for the errors are:
i. Count tags are missing for the part in the specified cycle. These are open tags for which count quantities have not yet been entered using the Count Tag Entry or Count Entry (Handheld) program. (Reference - Return tags)
ii. Count quantities have not yet been entered for the part using the Count Tag Entry or Count Entry (Handheld) program. (Reference - Return tags or count entry).
iii. The part is out of tolerance and requires entry of a count discrepancy code into the Count Discrepancy Code Entry program. (Reference - Enter discrepancy reason codes).
iv. The part has not been processed by the Count Variance Calculation/Report since counts were updated for the part. (Re-run the variance calculation report.
v. The Post Counts selection has not been run since the part became eligible for completion.

1. After all research and corrected, re-run the report in print preview. The report should not display anything since no records should be found with an error. Print out a final copy of the report.
2. Once all reason codes have been assigned - counts must be posted.
* Action - Post Counts
* Click on post.
* A display message will appear stating the file location the report was saved to, number of parts posted and that the cycle has been completed.
* Click okay.
* Cycle count status will change to completed.
File and exit.

From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Elizabeth
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:13 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report


This is the process in 9.04.507A... haven't tested it yet in 9.05.701 (still a few months away from that):

1. Initialize Physical Inventory
a. Enter a Start Date that is in the Fiscal Period you want the inventory taken in
b. Select Process (takes a few minutes to finish processing)
2. Cycle Count Maintenance
a. Click Cycle button to search
b. Select Cycle Period of the physical inventory just initialized
c. Select Include Physical Inventory checkbox, click Search, Click OK
d. Actions > Generate Tags
e. Actions > Print Tags
f. Actions > Start Count - the date on which this action is taken will be the eventual posting date for the inventory process.
4. Count Tag Entry
a. Click Cycle button, find Physical Inventory
7. Cycle Count Maintenance
a. Select current physical inventory
b. Actions >Print Unreturned/Voided Tags Report
c. Actions > Print Count Variance report
d. Actions > Print Recount Tags
e. Actions > Post Count

Ernie Lowell
Diba Industries

--- In<>, "bryandavis1980" wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, so during my testing, how would I go about setting up the "cycle count period"?
> Thanks,
> Bryan
> --- In<>, Deirdre Sykes wrote:
> >
> > Bryan,
> >
> > You do not set-up a group in 700. You search for the cycle count period that was previously scheduled and all the parts will come up. Then you must generate the tags and then the other options under action will open up.
> >
> > From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of bryandavis1980
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:00 AM
> > To:<>
> > Subject: [Vantage] Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report
> >
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> > In Epicor 9.05.700, under Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Count Cycle Maintenance... everything seems to be greyed out. It will not let me create a new group like we do in Vista 8.03.409C.. Everything in the "Actions" menu item are greyed out as well do to this. Could someone please tell me if there needs to be something done before I can create these new groups as we do in Vista?
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Bryan
> >
> >
> > CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message, including any attachment(s), may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The email is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or disseminating, and notify the sender by Reply email, so that our address record can be corrected.
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message, including any attachment(s), may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The email is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or disseminating, and notify the sender by Reply email, so that our address record can be corrected.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I just redid "calculate ABC codes" and "initialize last count" - this bumped my number to 160, but it's still way short of the 800+ I'm expecting.

Here's my current ABC codes, this one being more aggressive (higher %'s) than previous.

Code Frequency Stock Value %
A 15 20
B 30 40
C 60 75
D 90 98
E 120 100

Would love any insight as to how I get my entire inventory to show up in the cycle to be counted.

From: [] On Behalf Of Ken Williams
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 2:58 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report

Deintre, can you share with me your ABC code setup?

I've been struggling to get cycle counts going, and was very excited to see your detailed instructions.

Unfortunately when I got to part selection I had only 15 parts (out of 800+ we inventory). I went ahead and pushed them through in the first cycle period, thinking it might allow me to select more parts for the second cycle period but it didn't. When I do "Perform Part Selection" on the second period I get 0 parts back.

I think, from your instructions below, you basically get the entire years worth and then based on your ABC code structure manually move them across different periods? Is that accurate?

Any thoughts as to why I only got 15 parts and cannot get any more to show up having processed the first 15?


From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Deirdre Sykes
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:37 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report


Here is the script we devised in 700A. It is long but hope it can help.

Cycle Count Process Script

Step 1) Set Cycle count Period Definition

Material Management/Inventory Management/Set-Up/Cycle Count Period Definition

1. File - New

2. Enter in a description. The description should be the month and the name of the cycle count period definition that is being set up. (I.e. October IG raw material).

3. Period Start and End date - use current date. Note: This date is used to calculate how many cycle sequences will be generated under the cycle count period definition.

4. Save.

5. Write down the period number generated. Note: This will be needed in later in the process.

6. Repeat Steps 1 - 4, until all required cycle count period definitions are generated.

Step 2) Create cycle count Schedule -

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operation/Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance.

1. File - New - New Schedule
2. In the warehouse field - drop down and select GSI-Main Warehouse.
3. Confirm that the year is correct.
4. In the cycle count field - drop down and select the appropriate cycle count period definition.
5. In the part selection criteria pane - Check on Exclude Zero QOH, all other fields remain unchecked.
6. Save
7. Navigate over to the Cycle Tab.
8. Cycle count Schedule and sequences will appear. Cycle Count Date is system generated but not the actual date the count has to be performed.
9. Part must be selected for each cycle count sequence.
* Actions - Perform Part Selection
10. To view number of parts in each ABC code:
* Navigate over to the ABC Qty Tab.
11. Save
12. Repeat steps 1 -6 until all cycle period definitions have been scheduled. Note: A part selections is not required because the scheduling of the remaining period definition it to allows for parts to be moved into that cycle period in the part selection step.
13. File and Exit.

Step 3) Review the parts Selected.

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operation/Cycle Count Part Selection.

Note: This process must be performed before tags are generated.

1. Click on the cycle button.
2. Search for the appropriate cycle count and sequence.
3. All parts in the cycle count will appear in the parts selected pane. Parts need to move to their appropriate cycle count period definition. To determine which parts belong to what cycle count period, find the appropriate ABC code for that part. The ABC code is displayed right after the part description field. Please review the below cheat sheet:

* Move to another cycle count
i. Click on the radio button under the selected column for the specific part. Note: Repeat this steps until all applicable parts have been selected to be moved to the appropriate cycle count period.
ii. Click on move selection button
iii. Cycle Part Selection move part will display.
iv. Highlight the cycle period and sequence that the part is being transferred to.
v. Click okay.

* Remove a part
i. Click on the radio button under the selected column for the specific part.
ii. Click on remove selection button.

* Add a part
i. File - New
ii. Enter in the part number and tab
iii. Note: Warning message will appear if the part already exists in another cycle count or invalid part number.

Step 4) Generate Tag and start count sequence

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Confirm all the information is correct under the cycle pane.
3. After information is confirmed, the tag needs to be printed.
a. Actions - Generate tag
b. Number of blank tags:
c. Select sort by - By part/Bin ID/UOM/Lot Number
d. Click generate tags.
e. Pop window will display - stating the starting and ending tag # generated.
f. Click okay.
g. Blank tags must be printed. Note: Only all tags are printed for Screen making Inventory and IG Ink.
a. Actions - Print tags.
b. Click on blank tags.
c. All other fields remain the default.
d. Print preview.
e. Once print preview has opened - find the first page that the blank tags appear. Print only the pages that the blank tags display on.
f. File and Exit.
h. Snapshot of inventory and cost must be frozen. Note: Cycle count is not frozen until the morning that the cycle count is scheduled to start.
a. Actions - Start count sequence.
b. Process has run once the cycle status field changes from count scheduled to count started.
4. File and Exit.

Step 5) Returning tags.
Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Tag.

Note: The below steps are required so that any activity on the part before the count is accounted for and variance report is appropriately updated.

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Click on the tag button - search - click on select all
3. Click okay.
4. Navigate to the list tab.
5. Find the return column and click on the radio button. Enter in the individual employee number in the counted by column.
6. After all tags have been returned, file and exit.

Step 6) Review the variance report

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Actions - count variance calculation report.
3. Accept all default and print preview the report.
4. Export the report to excel:
a. Copy the tag number down for each part.
b. Sort by the variances.
c. Distribute the variance to the appropriate departments.
5. Follow Enter Count script to reconcile any variances.
6. File and exit.

Step 7) Enter Count (only required, if need to update a quantity - we scan our tag - use this if you have to manually enter in the count)

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Tag

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Enter the tag number including the zeros and tab.
3. On the detail tab - enter in the counted quantity, individual employee number, and date. Note: The counted date determines the transaction date that the inventory will be posted.
4. Save throughout entering the required information.
5. After all the counts have been entered, File and exit.

Step 8) - Enter discrepancy reason for variances

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Discrepancy Reason

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. In the reason code column - drop down and select the appropriate reason code.
a. To find the appropriate department:
i. Right click on the part # and open with part tracker.
ii. Navigate to the general tab
iii. The department can be found in the class field description.
iv. File and exit.
3. Note: If the value tolerance status states "out of tolerance" but the reason code column is grayed out means something in the process has not been completed. Will research after running the Print Count Part Not Posted Report. This report is run in the final step of posting inventory.

Step 9) - Posting Cycle Count

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Run a final variance report and save to the inventory folder. Actions - Count variance calculation report.
3. Before posting - the Print Count Part Not posted report must be ran. This report shows parts within the specified cycle sequence that have error that will result in the part not posting the count.
4. Actions - Print Count Parts Not Posted Report
5. If tags are not printed when generated - a warning message will display - Tags have not printed - continue with this report - click Yes.
6. Print the report and research the errors.
* Some possible reason for the errors are:
i. Count tags are missing for the part in the specified cycle. These are open tags for which count quantities have not yet been entered using the Count Tag Entry or Count Entry (Handheld) program. (Reference - Return tags)
ii. Count quantities have not yet been entered for the part using the Count Tag Entry or Count Entry (Handheld) program. (Reference - Return tags or count entry).
iii. The part is out of tolerance and requires entry of a count discrepancy code into the Count Discrepancy Code Entry program. (Reference - Enter discrepancy reason codes).
iv. The part has not been processed by the Count Variance Calculation/Report since counts were updated for the part. (Re-run the variance calculation report.
v. The Post Counts selection has not been run since the part became eligible for completion.

1. After all research and corrected, re-run the report in print preview. The report should not display anything since no records should be found with an error. Print out a final copy of the report.
2. Once all reason codes have been assigned - counts must be posted.
* Action - Post Counts
* Click on post.
* A display message will appear stating the file location the report was saved to, number of parts posted and that the cycle has been completed.
* Click okay.
* Cycle count status will change to completed.
File and exit.

From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Elizabeth
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:13 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report


This is the process in 9.04.507A... haven't tested it yet in 9.05.701 (still a few months away from that):

1. Initialize Physical Inventory
a. Enter a Start Date that is in the Fiscal Period you want the inventory taken in
b. Select Process (takes a few minutes to finish processing)
2. Cycle Count Maintenance
a. Click Cycle button to search
b. Select Cycle Period of the physical inventory just initialized
c. Select Include Physical Inventory checkbox, click Search, Click OK
d. Actions > Generate Tags
e. Actions > Print Tags
f. Actions > Start Count - the date on which this action is taken will be the eventual posting date for the inventory process.
4. Count Tag Entry
a. Click Cycle button, find Physical Inventory
7. Cycle Count Maintenance
a. Select current physical inventory
b. Actions >Print Unreturned/Voided Tags Report
c. Actions > Print Count Variance report
d. Actions > Print Recount Tags
e. Actions > Post Count

Ernie Lowell
Diba Industries

--- In<>, "bryandavis1980" wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, so during my testing, how would I go about setting up the "cycle count period"?
> Thanks,
> Bryan
> --- In<>, Deirdre Sykes wrote:
> >
> > Bryan,
> >
> > You do not set-up a group in 700. You search for the cycle count period that was previously scheduled and all the parts will come up. Then you must generate the tags and then the other options under action will open up.
> >
> > From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of bryandavis1980
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:00 AM
> > To:<>
> > Subject: [Vantage] Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report
> >
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> > In Epicor 9.05.700, under Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Count Cycle Maintenance... everything seems to be greyed out. It will not let me create a new group like we do in Vista 8.03.409C.. Everything in the "Actions" menu item are greyed out as well do to this. Could someone please tell me if there needs to be something done before I can create these new groups as we do in Vista?
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Bryan
> >
> >
> > CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message, including any attachment(s), may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The email is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or disseminating, and notify the sender by Reply email, so that our address record can be corrected.
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message, including any attachment(s), may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The email is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or disseminating, and notify the sender by Reply email, so that our address record can be corrected.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
On Code A - You are stating that these parts need to be counted every 15 days and only calculate the top 80% (looks at value not quantity) of our inventory. If the remaining, values are under that 80%, they will not be selected.

In part maintenance, we designated a code for each part. Also, we do not do the calculate ABC code function. In the schedule cycle count maintenance, go to action - perform part selection. Doing it this way should look at the just the frequency and select all parts that fall under the frequency set-up in your ABC code maintenance.

Hope this helps.

From: [] On Behalf Of Ken Williams
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 4:31 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report

I just redid "calculate ABC codes" and "initialize last count" - this bumped my number to 160, but it's still way short of the 800+ I'm expecting.

Here's my current ABC codes, this one being more aggressive (higher %'s) than previous.

Code Frequency Stock Value %
A 15 20
B 30 40
C 60 75
D 90 98
E 120 100

Would love any insight as to how I get my entire inventory to show up in the cycle to be counted.

From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Ken Williams
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 2:58 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report

Deintre, can you share with me your ABC code setup?

I've been struggling to get cycle counts going, and was very excited to see your detailed instructions.

Unfortunately when I got to part selection I had only 15 parts (out of 800+ we inventory). I went ahead and pushed them through in the first cycle period, thinking it might allow me to select more parts for the second cycle period but it didn't. When I do "Perform Part Selection" on the second period I get 0 parts back.

I think, from your instructions below, you basically get the entire years worth and then based on your ABC code structure manually move them across different periods? Is that accurate?

Any thoughts as to why I only got 15 parts and cannot get any more to show up having processed the first 15?


From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Deirdre Sykes
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:37 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report


Here is the script we devised in 700A. It is long but hope it can help.

Cycle Count Process Script

Step 1) Set Cycle count Period Definition

Material Management/Inventory Management/Set-Up/Cycle Count Period Definition

1. File - New

2. Enter in a description. The description should be the month and the name of the cycle count period definition that is being set up. (I.e. October IG raw material).

3. Period Start and End date - use current date. Note: This date is used to calculate how many cycle sequences will be generated under the cycle count period definition.

4. Save.

5. Write down the period number generated. Note: This will be needed in later in the process.

6. Repeat Steps 1 - 4, until all required cycle count period definitions are generated.

Step 2) Create cycle count Schedule -

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operation/Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance.

1. File - New - New Schedule
2. In the warehouse field - drop down and select GSI-Main Warehouse.
3. Confirm that the year is correct.
4. In the cycle count field - drop down and select the appropriate cycle count period definition.
5. In the part selection criteria pane - Check on Exclude Zero QOH, all other fields remain unchecked.
6. Save
7. Navigate over to the Cycle Tab.
8. Cycle count Schedule and sequences will appear. Cycle Count Date is system generated but not the actual date the count has to be performed.
9. Part must be selected for each cycle count sequence.
* Actions - Perform Part Selection
10. To view number of parts in each ABC code:
* Navigate over to the ABC Qty Tab.
11. Save
12. Repeat steps 1 -6 until all cycle period definitions have been scheduled. Note: A part selections is not required because the scheduling of the remaining period definition it to allows for parts to be moved into that cycle period in the part selection step.
13. File and Exit.

Step 3) Review the parts Selected.

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operation/Cycle Count Part Selection.

Note: This process must be performed before tags are generated.

1. Click on the cycle button.
2. Search for the appropriate cycle count and sequence.
3. All parts in the cycle count will appear in the parts selected pane. Parts need to move to their appropriate cycle count period definition. To determine which parts belong to what cycle count period, find the appropriate ABC code for that part. The ABC code is displayed right after the part description field. Please review the below cheat sheet:

* Move to another cycle count
i. Click on the radio button under the selected column for the specific part. Note: Repeat this steps until all applicable parts have been selected to be moved to the appropriate cycle count period.
ii. Click on move selection button
iii. Cycle Part Selection move part will display.
iv. Highlight the cycle period and sequence that the part is being transferred to.
v. Click okay.

* Remove a part
i. Click on the radio button under the selected column for the specific part.
ii. Click on remove selection button.

* Add a part
i. File - New
ii. Enter in the part number and tab
iii. Note: Warning message will appear if the part already exists in another cycle count or invalid part number.

Step 4) Generate Tag and start count sequence

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Confirm all the information is correct under the cycle pane.
3. After information is confirmed, the tag needs to be printed.
a. Actions - Generate tag
b. Number of blank tags:
c. Select sort by - By part/Bin ID/UOM/Lot Number
d. Click generate tags.
e. Pop window will display - stating the starting and ending tag # generated.
f. Click okay.
g. Blank tags must be printed. Note: Only all tags are printed for Screen making Inventory and IG Ink.
a. Actions - Print tags.
b. Click on blank tags.
c. All other fields remain the default.
d. Print preview.
e. Once print preview has opened - find the first page that the blank tags appear. Print only the pages that the blank tags display on.
f. File and Exit.
h. Snapshot of inventory and cost must be frozen. Note: Cycle count is not frozen until the morning that the cycle count is scheduled to start.
a. Actions - Start count sequence.
b. Process has run once the cycle status field changes from count scheduled to count started.
4. File and Exit.

Step 5) Returning tags.
Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Tag.

Note: The below steps are required so that any activity on the part before the count is accounted for and variance report is appropriately updated.

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Click on the tag button - search - click on select all
3. Click okay.
4. Navigate to the list tab.
5. Find the return column and click on the radio button. Enter in the individual employee number in the counted by column.
6. After all tags have been returned, file and exit.

Step 6) Review the variance report

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Actions - count variance calculation report.
3. Accept all default and print preview the report.
4. Export the report to excel:
a. Copy the tag number down for each part.
b. Sort by the variances.
c. Distribute the variance to the appropriate departments.
5. Follow Enter Count script to reconcile any variances.
6. File and exit.

Step 7) Enter Count (only required, if need to update a quantity - we scan our tag - use this if you have to manually enter in the count)

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Tag

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Enter the tag number including the zeros and tab.
3. On the detail tab - enter in the counted quantity, individual employee number, and date. Note: The counted date determines the transaction date that the inventory will be posted.
4. Save throughout entering the required information.
5. After all the counts have been entered, File and exit.

Step 8) - Enter discrepancy reason for variances

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Discrepancy Reason

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. In the reason code column - drop down and select the appropriate reason code.
a. To find the appropriate department:
i. Right click on the part # and open with part tracker.
ii. Navigate to the general tab
iii. The department can be found in the class field description.
iv. File and exit.
3. Note: If the value tolerance status states "out of tolerance" but the reason code column is grayed out means something in the process has not been completed. Will research after running the Print Count Part Not Posted Report. This report is run in the final step of posting inventory.

Step 9) - Posting Cycle Count

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Run a final variance report and save to the inventory folder. Actions - Count variance calculation report.
3. Before posting - the Print Count Part Not posted report must be ran. This report shows parts within the specified cycle sequence that have error that will result in the part not posting the count.
4. Actions - Print Count Parts Not Posted Report
5. If tags are not printed when generated - a warning message will display - Tags have not printed - continue with this report - click Yes.
6. Print the report and research the errors.
* Some possible reason for the errors are:
i. Count tags are missing for the part in the specified cycle. These are open tags for which count quantities have not yet been entered using the Count Tag Entry or Count Entry (Handheld) program. (Reference - Return tags)
ii. Count quantities have not yet been entered for the part using the Count Tag Entry or Count Entry (Handheld) program. (Reference - Return tags or count entry).
iii. The part is out of tolerance and requires entry of a count discrepancy code into the Count Discrepancy Code Entry program. (Reference - Enter discrepancy reason codes).
iv. The part has not been processed by the Count Variance Calculation/Report since counts were updated for the part. (Re-run the variance calculation report.
v. The Post Counts selection has not been run since the part became eligible for completion.

1. After all research and corrected, re-run the report in print preview. The report should not display anything since no records should be found with an error. Print out a final copy of the report.
2. Once all reason codes have been assigned - counts must be posted.
* Action - Post Counts
* Click on post.
* A display message will appear stating the file location the report was saved to, number of parts posted and that the cycle has been completed.
* Click okay.
* Cycle count status will change to completed.
File and exit.

From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Elizabeth
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:13 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report


This is the process in 9.04.507A... haven't tested it yet in 9.05.701 (still a few months away from that):

1. Initialize Physical Inventory
a. Enter a Start Date that is in the Fiscal Period you want the inventory taken in
b. Select Process (takes a few minutes to finish processing)
2. Cycle Count Maintenance
a. Click Cycle button to search
b. Select Cycle Period of the physical inventory just initialized
c. Select Include Physical Inventory checkbox, click Search, Click OK
d. Actions > Generate Tags
e. Actions > Print Tags
f. Actions > Start Count - the date on which this action is taken will be the eventual posting date for the inventory process.
4. Count Tag Entry
a. Click Cycle button, find Physical Inventory
7. Cycle Count Maintenance
a. Select current physical inventory
b. Actions >Print Unreturned/Voided Tags Report
c. Actions > Print Count Variance report
d. Actions > Print Recount Tags
e. Actions > Post Count

Ernie Lowell
Diba Industries

--- In<>, "bryandavis1980" wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, so during my testing, how would I go about setting up the "cycle count period"?
> Thanks,
> Bryan
> --- In<>, Deirdre Sykes wrote:
> >
> > Bryan,
> >
> > You do not set-up a group in 700. You search for the cycle count period that was previously scheduled and all the parts will come up. Then you must generate the tags and then the other options under action will open up.
> >
> > From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of bryandavis1980
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:00 AM
> > To:<>
> > Subject: [Vantage] Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report
> >
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> > In Epicor 9.05.700, under Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Count Cycle Maintenance... everything seems to be greyed out. It will not let me create a new group like we do in Vista 8.03.409C.. Everything in the "Actions" menu item are greyed out as well do to this. Could someone please tell me if there needs to be something done before I can create these new groups as we do in Vista?
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Bryan
> >
> >
> > CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message, including any attachment(s), may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The email is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or disseminating, and notify the sender by Reply email, so that our address record can be corrected.
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

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On the ABC codes, that is exactly how I understood it to work, thank you for verifying for me.

When I go into perform part selection, it's at that point that I only get ~150 parts. I've ran a query and every part has a code, so I don't understand why more aren't showing up?

From: [] On Behalf Of Deirdre Sykes
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 10:06 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report

On Code A - You are stating that these parts need to be counted every 15 days and only calculate the top 80% (looks at value not quantity) of our inventory. If the remaining, values are under that 80%, they will not be selected.

In part maintenance, we designated a code for each part. Also, we do not do the calculate ABC code function. In the schedule cycle count maintenance, go to action - perform part selection. Doing it this way should look at the just the frequency and select all parts that fall under the frequency set-up in your ABC code maintenance.

Hope this helps.

From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Ken Williams
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 4:31 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report

I just redid "calculate ABC codes" and "initialize last count" - this bumped my number to 160, but it's still way short of the 800+ I'm expecting.

Here's my current ABC codes, this one being more aggressive (higher %'s) than previous.

Code Frequency Stock Value %
A 15 20
B 30 40
C 60 75
D 90 98
E 120 100

Would love any insight as to how I get my entire inventory to show up in the cycle to be counted.

From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Ken Williams
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 2:58 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report

Deintre, can you share with me your ABC code setup?

I've been struggling to get cycle counts going, and was very excited to see your detailed instructions.

Unfortunately when I got to part selection I had only 15 parts (out of 800+ we inventory). I went ahead and pushed them through in the first cycle period, thinking it might allow me to select more parts for the second cycle period but it didn't. When I do "Perform Part Selection" on the second period I get 0 parts back.

I think, from your instructions below, you basically get the entire years worth and then based on your ABC code structure manually move them across different periods? Is that accurate?

Any thoughts as to why I only got 15 parts and cannot get any more to show up having processed the first 15?


From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Deirdre Sykes
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:37 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report


Here is the script we devised in 700A. It is long but hope it can help.

Cycle Count Process Script

Step 1) Set Cycle count Period Definition

Material Management/Inventory Management/Set-Up/Cycle Count Period Definition

1. File - New

2. Enter in a description. The description should be the month and the name of the cycle count period definition that is being set up. (I.e. October IG raw material).

3. Period Start and End date - use current date. Note: This date is used to calculate how many cycle sequences will be generated under the cycle count period definition.

4. Save.

5. Write down the period number generated. Note: This will be needed in later in the process.

6. Repeat Steps 1 - 4, until all required cycle count period definitions are generated.

Step 2) Create cycle count Schedule -

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operation/Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance.

1. File - New - New Schedule
2. In the warehouse field - drop down and select GSI-Main Warehouse.
3. Confirm that the year is correct.
4. In the cycle count field - drop down and select the appropriate cycle count period definition.
5. In the part selection criteria pane - Check on Exclude Zero QOH, all other fields remain unchecked.
6. Save
7. Navigate over to the Cycle Tab.
8. Cycle count Schedule and sequences will appear. Cycle Count Date is system generated but not the actual date the count has to be performed.
9. Part must be selected for each cycle count sequence.
* Actions - Perform Part Selection
10. To view number of parts in each ABC code:
* Navigate over to the ABC Qty Tab.
11. Save
12. Repeat steps 1 -6 until all cycle period definitions have been scheduled. Note: A part selections is not required because the scheduling of the remaining period definition it to allows for parts to be moved into that cycle period in the part selection step.
13. File and Exit.

Step 3) Review the parts Selected.

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operation/Cycle Count Part Selection.

Note: This process must be performed before tags are generated.

1. Click on the cycle button.
2. Search for the appropriate cycle count and sequence.
3. All parts in the cycle count will appear in the parts selected pane. Parts need to move to their appropriate cycle count period definition. To determine which parts belong to what cycle count period, find the appropriate ABC code for that part. The ABC code is displayed right after the part description field. Please review the below cheat sheet:

* Move to another cycle count
i. Click on the radio button under the selected column for the specific part. Note: Repeat this steps until all applicable parts have been selected to be moved to the appropriate cycle count period.
ii. Click on move selection button
iii. Cycle Part Selection move part will display.
iv. Highlight the cycle period and sequence that the part is being transferred to.
v. Click okay.

* Remove a part
i. Click on the radio button under the selected column for the specific part.
ii. Click on remove selection button.

* Add a part
i. File - New
ii. Enter in the part number and tab
iii. Note: Warning message will appear if the part already exists in another cycle count or invalid part number.

Step 4) Generate Tag and start count sequence

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Confirm all the information is correct under the cycle pane.
3. After information is confirmed, the tag needs to be printed.
a. Actions - Generate tag
b. Number of blank tags:
c. Select sort by - By part/Bin ID/UOM/Lot Number
d. Click generate tags.
e. Pop window will display - stating the starting and ending tag # generated.
f. Click okay.
g. Blank tags must be printed. Note: Only all tags are printed for Screen making Inventory and IG Ink.
a. Actions - Print tags.
b. Click on blank tags.
c. All other fields remain the default.
d. Print preview.
e. Once print preview has opened - find the first page that the blank tags appear. Print only the pages that the blank tags display on.
f. File and Exit.
h. Snapshot of inventory and cost must be frozen. Note: Cycle count is not frozen until the morning that the cycle count is scheduled to start.
a. Actions - Start count sequence.
b. Process has run once the cycle status field changes from count scheduled to count started.
4. File and Exit.

Step 5) Returning tags.
Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Tag.

Note: The below steps are required so that any activity on the part before the count is accounted for and variance report is appropriately updated.

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Click on the tag button - search - click on select all
3. Click okay.
4. Navigate to the list tab.
5. Find the return column and click on the radio button. Enter in the individual employee number in the counted by column.
6. After all tags have been returned, file and exit.

Step 6) Review the variance report

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Actions - count variance calculation report.
3. Accept all default and print preview the report.
4. Export the report to excel:
a. Copy the tag number down for each part.
b. Sort by the variances.
c. Distribute the variance to the appropriate departments.
5. Follow Enter Count script to reconcile any variances.
6. File and exit.

Step 7) Enter Count (only required, if need to update a quantity - we scan our tag - use this if you have to manually enter in the count)

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Tag

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Enter the tag number including the zeros and tab.
3. On the detail tab - enter in the counted quantity, individual employee number, and date. Note: The counted date determines the transaction date that the inventory will be posted.
4. Save throughout entering the required information.
5. After all the counts have been entered, File and exit.

Step 8) - Enter discrepancy reason for variances

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Discrepancy Reason

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. In the reason code column - drop down and select the appropriate reason code.
a. To find the appropriate department:
i. Right click on the part # and open with part tracker.
ii. Navigate to the general tab
iii. The department can be found in the class field description.
iv. File and exit.
3. Note: If the value tolerance status states "out of tolerance" but the reason code column is grayed out means something in the process has not been completed. Will research after running the Print Count Part Not Posted Report. This report is run in the final step of posting inventory.

Step 9) - Posting Cycle Count

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Run a final variance report and save to the inventory folder. Actions - Count variance calculation report.
3. Before posting - the Print Count Part Not posted report must be ran. This report shows parts within the specified cycle sequence that have error that will result in the part not posting the count.
4. Actions - Print Count Parts Not Posted Report
5. If tags are not printed when generated - a warning message will display - Tags have not printed - continue with this report - click Yes.
6. Print the report and research the errors.
* Some possible reason for the errors are:
i. Count tags are missing for the part in the specified cycle. These are open tags for which count quantities have not yet been entered using the Count Tag Entry or Count Entry (Handheld) program. (Reference - Return tags)
ii. Count quantities have not yet been entered for the part using the Count Tag Entry or Count Entry (Handheld) program. (Reference - Return tags or count entry).
iii. The part is out of tolerance and requires entry of a count discrepancy code into the Count Discrepancy Code Entry program. (Reference - Enter discrepancy reason codes).
iv. The part has not been processed by the Count Variance Calculation/Report since counts were updated for the part. (Re-run the variance calculation report.
v. The Post Counts selection has not been run since the part became eligible for completion.

1. After all research and corrected, re-run the report in print preview. The report should not display anything since no records should be found with an error. Print out a final copy of the report.
2. Once all reason codes have been assigned - counts must be posted.
* Action - Post Counts
* Click on post.
* A display message will appear stating the file location the report was saved to, number of parts posted and that the cycle has been completed.
* Click okay.
* Cycle count status will change to completed.
File and exit.

From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Elizabeth
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:13 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report


This is the process in 9.04.507A... haven't tested it yet in 9.05.701 (still a few months away from that):

1. Initialize Physical Inventory
a. Enter a Start Date that is in the Fiscal Period you want the inventory taken in
b. Select Process (takes a few minutes to finish processing)
2. Cycle Count Maintenance
a. Click Cycle button to search
b. Select Cycle Period of the physical inventory just initialized
c. Select Include Physical Inventory checkbox, click Search, Click OK
d. Actions > Generate Tags
e. Actions > Print Tags
f. Actions > Start Count - the date on which this action is taken will be the eventual posting date for the inventory process.
4. Count Tag Entry
a. Click Cycle button, find Physical Inventory
7. Cycle Count Maintenance
a. Select current physical inventory
b. Actions >Print Unreturned/Voided Tags Report
c. Actions > Print Count Variance report
d. Actions > Print Recount Tags
e. Actions > Post Count

Ernie Lowell
Diba Industries

--- In<>, "bryandavis1980" wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, so during my testing, how would I go about setting up the "cycle count period"?
> Thanks,
> Bryan
> --- In<>, Deirdre Sykes wrote:
> >
> > Bryan,
> >
> > You do not set-up a group in 700. You search for the cycle count period that was previously scheduled and all the parts will come up. Then you must generate the tags and then the other options under action will open up.
> >
> > From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of bryandavis1980
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:00 AM
> > To:<>
> > Subject: [Vantage] Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report
> >
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> > In Epicor 9.05.700, under Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Count Cycle Maintenance... everything seems to be greyed out. It will not let me create a new group like we do in Vista 8.03.409C.. Everything in the "Actions" menu item are greyed out as well do to this. Could someone please tell me if there needs to be something done before I can create these new groups as we do in Vista?
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Bryan
> >
> >
> > CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message, including any attachment(s), may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The email is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or disseminating, and notify the sender by Reply email, so that our address record can be corrected.
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We set all our frequency to a 100%. Maybe the part selection does still look at the value. Try it at 100% and see if the others come up.

From: [] On Behalf Of Ken Williams
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 2:00 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report

On the ABC codes, that is exactly how I understood it to work, thank you for verifying for me.

When I go into perform part selection, it's at that point that I only get ~150 parts. I've ran a query and every part has a code, so I don't understand why more aren't showing up?

From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Deirdre Sykes
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 10:06 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report

On Code A - You are stating that these parts need to be counted every 15 days and only calculate the top 80% (looks at value not quantity) of our inventory. If the remaining, values are under that 80%, they will not be selected.

In part maintenance, we designated a code for each part. Also, we do not do the calculate ABC code function. In the schedule cycle count maintenance, go to action - perform part selection. Doing it this way should look at the just the frequency and select all parts that fall under the frequency set-up in your ABC code maintenance.

Hope this helps.

From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Ken Williams
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 4:31 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report

I just redid "calculate ABC codes" and "initialize last count" - this bumped my number to 160, but it's still way short of the 800+ I'm expecting.

Here's my current ABC codes, this one being more aggressive (higher %'s) than previous.

Code Frequency Stock Value %
A 15 20
B 30 40
C 60 75
D 90 98
E 120 100

Would love any insight as to how I get my entire inventory to show up in the cycle to be counted.

From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Ken Williams
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 2:58 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report

Deintre, can you share with me your ABC code setup?

I've been struggling to get cycle counts going, and was very excited to see your detailed instructions.

Unfortunately when I got to part selection I had only 15 parts (out of 800+ we inventory). I went ahead and pushed them through in the first cycle period, thinking it might allow me to select more parts for the second cycle period but it didn't. When I do "Perform Part Selection" on the second period I get 0 parts back.

I think, from your instructions below, you basically get the entire years worth and then based on your ABC code structure manually move them across different periods? Is that accurate?

Any thoughts as to why I only got 15 parts and cannot get any more to show up having processed the first 15?


From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Deirdre Sykes
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:37 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report


Here is the script we devised in 700A. It is long but hope it can help.

Cycle Count Process Script

Step 1) Set Cycle count Period Definition

Material Management/Inventory Management/Set-Up/Cycle Count Period Definition

1. File - New

2. Enter in a description. The description should be the month and the name of the cycle count period definition that is being set up. (I.e. October IG raw material).

3. Period Start and End date - use current date. Note: This date is used to calculate how many cycle sequences will be generated under the cycle count period definition.

4. Save.

5. Write down the period number generated. Note: This will be needed in later in the process.

6. Repeat Steps 1 - 4, until all required cycle count period definitions are generated.

Step 2) Create cycle count Schedule -

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operation/Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance.

1. File - New - New Schedule
2. In the warehouse field - drop down and select GSI-Main Warehouse.
3. Confirm that the year is correct.
4. In the cycle count field - drop down and select the appropriate cycle count period definition.
5. In the part selection criteria pane - Check on Exclude Zero QOH, all other fields remain unchecked.
6. Save
7. Navigate over to the Cycle Tab.
8. Cycle count Schedule and sequences will appear. Cycle Count Date is system generated but not the actual date the count has to be performed.
9. Part must be selected for each cycle count sequence.
* Actions - Perform Part Selection
10. To view number of parts in each ABC code:
* Navigate over to the ABC Qty Tab.
11. Save
12. Repeat steps 1 -6 until all cycle period definitions have been scheduled. Note: A part selections is not required because the scheduling of the remaining period definition it to allows for parts to be moved into that cycle period in the part selection step.
13. File and Exit.

Step 3) Review the parts Selected.

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operation/Cycle Count Part Selection.

Note: This process must be performed before tags are generated.

1. Click on the cycle button.
2. Search for the appropriate cycle count and sequence.
3. All parts in the cycle count will appear in the parts selected pane. Parts need to move to their appropriate cycle count period definition. To determine which parts belong to what cycle count period, find the appropriate ABC code for that part. The ABC code is displayed right after the part description field. Please review the below cheat sheet:

* Move to another cycle count
i. Click on the radio button under the selected column for the specific part. Note: Repeat this steps until all applicable parts have been selected to be moved to the appropriate cycle count period.
ii. Click on move selection button
iii. Cycle Part Selection move part will display.
iv. Highlight the cycle period and sequence that the part is being transferred to.
v. Click okay.

* Remove a part
i. Click on the radio button under the selected column for the specific part.
ii. Click on remove selection button.

* Add a part
i. File - New
ii. Enter in the part number and tab
iii. Note: Warning message will appear if the part already exists in another cycle count or invalid part number.

Step 4) Generate Tag and start count sequence

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Confirm all the information is correct under the cycle pane.
3. After information is confirmed, the tag needs to be printed.
a. Actions - Generate tag
b. Number of blank tags:
c. Select sort by - By part/Bin ID/UOM/Lot Number
d. Click generate tags.
e. Pop window will display - stating the starting and ending tag # generated.
f. Click okay.
g. Blank tags must be printed. Note: Only all tags are printed for Screen making Inventory and IG Ink.
a. Actions - Print tags.
b. Click on blank tags.
c. All other fields remain the default.
d. Print preview.
e. Once print preview has opened - find the first page that the blank tags appear. Print only the pages that the blank tags display on.
f. File and Exit.
h. Snapshot of inventory and cost must be frozen. Note: Cycle count is not frozen until the morning that the cycle count is scheduled to start.
a. Actions - Start count sequence.
b. Process has run once the cycle status field changes from count scheduled to count started.
4. File and Exit.

Step 5) Returning tags.
Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Tag.

Note: The below steps are required so that any activity on the part before the count is accounted for and variance report is appropriately updated.

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Click on the tag button - search - click on select all
3. Click okay.
4. Navigate to the list tab.
5. Find the return column and click on the radio button. Enter in the individual employee number in the counted by column.
6. After all tags have been returned, file and exit.

Step 6) Review the variance report

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Actions - count variance calculation report.
3. Accept all default and print preview the report.
4. Export the report to excel:
a. Copy the tag number down for each part.
b. Sort by the variances.
c. Distribute the variance to the appropriate departments.
5. Follow Enter Count script to reconcile any variances.
6. File and exit.

Step 7) Enter Count (only required, if need to update a quantity - we scan our tag - use this if you have to manually enter in the count)

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Tag

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Enter the tag number including the zeros and tab.
3. On the detail tab - enter in the counted quantity, individual employee number, and date. Note: The counted date determines the transaction date that the inventory will be posted.
4. Save throughout entering the required information.
5. After all the counts have been entered, File and exit.

Step 8) - Enter discrepancy reason for variances

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Discrepancy Reason

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. In the reason code column - drop down and select the appropriate reason code.
a. To find the appropriate department:
i. Right click on the part # and open with part tracker.
ii. Navigate to the general tab
iii. The department can be found in the class field description.
iv. File and exit.
3. Note: If the value tolerance status states "out of tolerance" but the reason code column is grayed out means something in the process has not been completed. Will research after running the Print Count Part Not Posted Report. This report is run in the final step of posting inventory.

Step 9) - Posting Cycle Count

Material Management/Inventory Management/General Operations/Count Cycle Maintenance

1. Click cycle button and search and select the appropriate cycle period and sequence.
2. Run a final variance report and save to the inventory folder. Actions - Count variance calculation report.
3. Before posting - the Print Count Part Not posted report must be ran. This report shows parts within the specified cycle sequence that have error that will result in the part not posting the count.
4. Actions - Print Count Parts Not Posted Report
5. If tags are not printed when generated - a warning message will display - Tags have not printed - continue with this report - click Yes.
6. Print the report and research the errors.
* Some possible reason for the errors are:
i. Count tags are missing for the part in the specified cycle. These are open tags for which count quantities have not yet been entered using the Count Tag Entry or Count Entry (Handheld) program. (Reference - Return tags)
ii. Count quantities have not yet been entered for the part using the Count Tag Entry or Count Entry (Handheld) program. (Reference - Return tags or count entry).
iii. The part is out of tolerance and requires entry of a count discrepancy code into the Count Discrepancy Code Entry program. (Reference - Enter discrepancy reason codes).
iv. The part has not been processed by the Count Variance Calculation/Report since counts were updated for the part. (Re-run the variance calculation report.
v. The Post Counts selection has not been run since the part became eligible for completion.

1. After all research and corrected, re-run the report in print preview. The report should not display anything since no records should be found with an error. Print out a final copy of the report.
2. Once all reason codes have been assigned - counts must be posted.
* Action - Post Counts
* Click on post.
* A display message will appear stating the file location the report was saved to, number of parts posted and that the cycle has been completed.
* Click okay.
* Cycle count status will change to completed.
File and exit.

From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of Elizabeth
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:13 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report


This is the process in 9.04.507A... haven't tested it yet in 9.05.701 (still a few months away from that):

1. Initialize Physical Inventory
a. Enter a Start Date that is in the Fiscal Period you want the inventory taken in
b. Select Process (takes a few minutes to finish processing)
2. Cycle Count Maintenance
a. Click Cycle button to search
b. Select Cycle Period of the physical inventory just initialized
c. Select Include Physical Inventory checkbox, click Search, Click OK
d. Actions > Generate Tags
e. Actions > Print Tags
f. Actions > Start Count - the date on which this action is taken will be the eventual posting date for the inventory process.
4. Count Tag Entry
a. Click Cycle button, find Physical Inventory
7. Cycle Count Maintenance
a. Select current physical inventory
b. Actions >Print Unreturned/Voided Tags Report
c. Actions > Print Count Variance report
d. Actions > Print Recount Tags
e. Actions > Post Count

Ernie Lowell
Diba Industries

--- In<>, "bryandavis1980" wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, so during my testing, how would I go about setting up the "cycle count period"?
> Thanks,
> Bryan
> --- In<>, Deirdre Sykes wrote:
> >
> > Bryan,
> >
> > You do not set-up a group in 700. You search for the cycle count period that was previously scheduled and all the parts will come up. Then you must generate the tags and then the other options under action will open up.
> >
> > From:<> [<>] On Behalf Of bryandavis1980
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:00 AM
> > To:<>
> > Subject: [Vantage] Count Cycle Maintenance - Count Variance/Calculation Report
> >
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> > In Epicor 9.05.700, under Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Count Cycle Maintenance... everything seems to be greyed out. It will not let me create a new group like we do in Vista 8.03.409C.. Everything in the "Actions" menu item are greyed out as well do to this. Could someone please tell me if there needs to be something done before I can create these new groups as we do in Vista?
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Bryan
> >
> >
> > CONFIDENTIALITY: The information contained in this email message, including any attachment(s), may be privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The email is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, any unauthorized persons. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or disseminating, and notify the sender by Reply email, so that our address record can be corrected.
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