Costing Workbench

We want to perform a cost roll-up to calculate the average cost for parts. When I load the cost details, the purchased parts are displayed in the manufacturing section.

Purchase part section also same part displaying

I wanted to do the cost-roll for average cost parts

Interesting - I’ve never had purchased parts appear in the manufactured parts tab. If you spot check a few of them, are they purchased in one site and manufactured in another? Or possibly your purchased parts have methods - there is a checkbox to exclude methods on purchased parts.

As for rolling average costs, Epicor has a fairly complex formula for doing this. It’s almost like a weighted average. I’ve had situations where we wanted to change the average cost due to unusual circumstances (like a prototype at a very high cost). We’ve always handled those through individual cost adjustments or with a DMT.

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@JennL and @sk.patchai, I am wondering if this is part of the grid filtering/rows issues that I am seeing on recent threads.

What version is this @sk.patchai ?

@utaylor our version is 2024.2.4. May I know the epcicare thread to look?

Our purchased parts do not methods/revisions.

I meant to say there are “grid” problems.

My guess is Senthil, that the grid is not behaving correctly.

The only thing that separates the purchased parts from manufacturing in that group is the UI and the grid filters.

If you look in the database, they are all in the same table, same group.

So it’s just a UI issue. The rolling and what not should all still work.

But @tsmith or @JennL, I don’t think that the cost rollup handles average parts does it?

Sorry @sk.patchai I haven’t used the costing workbench with average cost, but I’m pretty sure it’s limited.

Check out the grid thread there. What I am trying to say is that it’s probably a UI bug.

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Thanks. I have gone through that, but I’m facing a grid loading issue in the Cost Workbench. However, the thread mentioned suggestions related to POs.

Okay, well I don’t think you have a critical showstopping issue on your hands I think that the Grid just isn’t filtering correctly.

Am I explaining that clearly?

You can try opening it in classic screen if you want.

Costing Workbench will roll any part you select, regardless of the costing method. When you load part details into the workbench you’re given the option of loading a specific cost method for the parts or the method set on each part.

Up until last year we would set a “standard” cost we wanted to use on our material which was carried in inventory at average cost. This let our Supply Chain team have some extra control on the cost we used for the rollup. We were able to pull in those average-costed parts and treat them as if they were standard cost in the workbench.

Posting the cost group only updates the Standard cost fields in the PartCost table.

@sk.patchai Do you have access to the Classic version of this screen? I think based on the other threads this should just be a problem in the Kinetic UX. Like Utah said, it should just be a visual problem with the screen and you should be able to run the roll-up process anyway.

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Hello Utah,

This is very helpful, thank you. Yes, this is a grid issue. As per your recommendation, I switched to the classic view, and now only the manufacturing parts are displayed. I will be reporting this to Epicor.

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That’s what I was trying to remember. Thank you Tyler.

Glad you were able to find an alternative and use the costing workbench, an extremely helpful program.