Costing - Last Material Cost


We use standard costing (for better or for worse!), but we would like to do some analysis on our actual costs vs our standard costs as we feel there’s been some cost creep on some of our materials.

I understand how last material cost (Cost.LastTotUnitCost) works for purchased materials. I believe it is the last landed price (purchase price plus burden e.g. duty and carriage if landed cost entry) for the material last used (presumably calculated on a FIFO basis).

However, I don’t understand how last material cost is calculated for assemblies. Is it the sum of the standard costs of the materials?

I couldn’t find much good information on costing in the university documents. I thought there would be an entire workbook dedicated to it, but I couldn’t find anything?

Any help would be much appreciated,


Last material cost for assemblies will be sum of standard cost of materials (actual quantities used). Refer JobCosting Technical reference guide.
For analysis purpose, I would recommend to compare average cost, last purchase part cost and primary supplier purchase cost and then arrive at suggested cost as purely going on last cost may not give accurate picture. Load all the parts in Costing Workbench and change the costs and do roll up. Then write a BAQ referring CostPart table.