I have a simple method. It’s got maybe 15-20 parts in it. 1 of the parts is a transfer from another site. It has the correct cost on it. But when I roll the costs up for the parent, I’m finding that my total cost is off by the same amount as the cost of the 1 transfer part. I know there’s something going on there. What am I doing wrong? It’s not including the cost of the transfer part in the cost of the parent.
If I can solve that riddle, I have a second one. We created these “labor only” methods way back in the days before Epicor… and they are still hanging around. Effectively, there are 0 materials on them… only labor. We typically add these to a sales order when we install our compressor package onto a truck to account for our installation labor. The same kit can be sold without installation and just shipped in a crate (if that makes sense). Somehow, when I roll up those labor only methods, they show a cost for materials! What in tarnation? Do I just need to manually cost adjust those back to 0?