Corvu/VBI Blank Title 61503

Agreed...the CorVu training at CorVu was quite good. They had a bit of knowledge too of the Vantage connection.

Also...there is a CorVu YahooGroup that may be worth joining. Not nearly as active as this group but there have been some decent answers there. A LOT of the members there are also members here so many postings are Vantage related.

-Todd C.

From: [] On Behalf Of Dale Norris
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 1:37 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Corvu/VBI


If you really want to get the most out of CorVu, I would suggest taking the training directly from Corvu in Minneapolis (they are pretty close to the Epcior headquarters). Training was probably the best I have attended. Fast paced and interesting. Good documentation to bring home as well.

My two cents...


>>> "steve.thoms" <steve.thoms@...<>> 12/19/2007 2:01 PM >>>

In the CorVu Start Menu program folder there is a "Getting Started
with. CorBusiness" that I've found moderately helpful. I'm guessing
you've probably already seen that (and I think it covers much of the
same things the training manual does). Suprisingly, the help from
within CorVu (from within the CorBusiness interface) is also somewhat

Is there any specific topic you're looking into. I can offer what
little experience I do have with it.

I'd also be interested in any additional resources that people have.
I've been struggling trying to grasp it all as well.


--- In<>, "Feakes, Brad" <bfeakes@...> wrote:
> Has anyone been able to hunt down good software manual information for
> the Vantage Business Intelligence (VBI) bolt-on, known to the rest of us
> as Corvu? I have been searching but cannot get more than the Epicor
> training manual. Anyone have better luck?
> Brad Feakes
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Has anyone been able to hunt down good software manual information for
the Vantage Business Intelligence (VBI) bolt-on, known to the rest of us
as Corvu? I have been searching but cannot get more than the Epicor
training manual. Anyone have better luck?

Brad Feakes

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
In the CorVu Start Menu program folder there is a "Getting Started
with. CorBusiness" that I've found moderately helpful. I'm guessing
you've probably already seen that (and I think it covers much of the
same things the training manual does). Suprisingly, the help from
within CorVu (from within the CorBusiness interface) is also somewhat

Is there any specific topic you're looking into. I can offer what
little experience I do have with it.

I'd also be interested in any additional resources that people have.
I've been struggling trying to grasp it all as well.


--- In, "Feakes, Brad" <bfeakes@...> wrote:
> Has anyone been able to hunt down good software manual information for
> the Vantage Business Intelligence (VBI) bolt-on, known to the rest of us
> as Corvu? I have been searching but cannot get more than the Epicor
> training manual. Anyone have better luck?
> Brad Feakes
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

If you really want to get the most out of CorVu, I would suggest taking the training directly from Corvu in Minneapolis (they are pretty close to the Epcior headquarters). Training was probably the best I have attended. Fast paced and interesting. Good documentation to bring home as well.

My two cents...


>>> "steve.thoms" <steve.thoms@...> 12/19/2007 2:01 PM >>>

In the CorVu Start Menu program folder there is a "Getting Started
with. CorBusiness" that I've found moderately helpful. I'm guessing
you've probably already seen that (and I think it covers much of the
same things the training manual does). Suprisingly, the help from
within CorVu (from within the CorBusiness interface) is also somewhat

Is there any specific topic you're looking into. I can offer what
little experience I do have with it.

I'd also be interested in any additional resources that people have.
I've been struggling trying to grasp it all as well.


--- In, "Feakes, Brad" <bfeakes@...> wrote:
> Has anyone been able to hunt down good software manual information for
> the Vantage Business Intelligence (VBI) bolt-on, known to the rest of us
> as Corvu? I have been searching but cannot get more than the Epicor
> training manual. Anyone have better luck?
> Brad Feakes
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]