Correcting customer contacts via DMT

We recently migrated from E9 to E10. Our customer contacts were migrated but for some reason many of the customer contacts were accidentally attached to a specific shipto and I’m trying to correct that because APR is sending everything to the wrong contacts.

The approach I’ve taken is to first run a DMT in add/update mode to get the existing PerConID to the correct spot, then I run a DMT in delete mode to remove it from the wrong spot (If I remove first and the PerConID isn’t attached anywhere else it’s deleted completely, which is not what I want). The trouble is that this only seems to work when I can specify the ShipToNum; if it’s blank - because this is a customer contact, not a ship to contact - the DMT tool just says that “Ship To is a key column and cannot be changed”.

To be clear, all the PerCon records are there, they just need to be re-attached in the right spot.

Is there a trick to “move” a contact from the ship to level to the customer level or vise-versa?

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Does a query of the PerCon table show records with blank ShipTo’s?

Is it possible that your “blank” value in the DMT upload is different than what is in the table. Like a null vs a null string


Also, doesn’t every Customer record always get a ShipTo with a null ShipTo num?

The ShipTo table holds the PerConID for each combo of CustNum:ShipToNum.

You shouldn’t need to touch the PerCon table at all.

And a PerConID can only be in the ShipTo table, once per CustNum:ShipToNum combo.

BTW- Are PerCon.PerConID’s provided via DMT used? When we used DMT to move from V8 to E10, the Customer records were given new CustNum values, and all other references to the Customer table are done via CustID instead. Wasn’t sure if the move from E9 to E10 might have done something similar on the PerCon entries

Calvin, your response got me thinking and I realized I was trying to do this in one fell swoop and needed to change my approach to be a little more granular.

I eventually created four DMT files to run in sequence: add the needed customer contacts, add the needed ship to contacts, remove the wrong customer contacts and finally remove the wrong ship to contacts. The add customer contact and remove ship to contact files were basically inversions of each other (as were the add ship to contact and remove customer customer contact files) because I was essentially moving the contact from one level to another.

This wasn’t 100% perfect, but it’s gotten me to about 92% of where I need to be and the stragglers can now be fixed manually.

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Anything to do with workforce transitions or contact transitions seems to be cumbersome.