What is the correct process for upgrading SSRS reports from say 10.1.500 to 10.1.600 Epicor versions? The guide states:
Select the
Import Reports
check box to indicate you are ready to deploy your SSRS reports. These reports
are placed in the server directory for the version. This server directory is a relative directory created where
the software is installed. For example, if the install directory is D:\ERPSoftware\ERP10.1.600, then the
reports install in this location: D:\ERPSoftware\ERP10.1.600\Server\reports.zip.
This check box is clear (inactive) by default. You typically just select this check box when you install SSRS
on the current application server for the first time. After the first installation, you can then clear this
check box. When you later install an update that includes changes to SSRS reports, these updated report
definitions install into the \Updates[version] directory. For example:
So when doing an upgrade do i import new reports by checking the box to update them?