Copy Live to Pilot confusion... SSRS reports not changing

We have a bunch of custom SSRS reports in Pilot that are outdated. When I backed up a copy of Live and restored to Pilot, those reports did not change?!

I was expecting my Live copy to completely overwrite the Pilot system. What am I missing? What is the easiest/fastest way to completely overwrite the SSRS reports in Pilot with the reports in Live?

Thank you.

The Epicor database doesn’t contain SSRS reports. These are stored in a different database. Can you show the Report Services settings from the Administration Console for both environments?

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This screen?

Yes. So actually, the pilot system is looking for reports stored under the EpicorERPPilot folder. What about your production system?

Ok, so pilot is using the reports under the EpicorERPPilot folder, while the production system is looking for the EpicorERP folder. Now, you want to have pilot working with the same reports as the production system, correct?

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That is correct!

Well, you could update the Reporting Services configuration for the pilot system, to use the same folder as the production system and the same Report Database (see the Report Database name), then click deploy at the bottom of the screen. DO NOT check Import Reports.

But that would just point Pilot to use the Production reports, right? I’m looking to overwrite Pilot with the Production reports so that I can work on those reports in Pilot without affecting Production.

True. Do you have a lot of customized reports?

Yes, a fair amount. Also, we refresh Pilot quite often for internal testing and each time I’d like to make sure they are using the newest reports.

This happened to us as well. We are a SaaS customer and our pilot database gets restored every 3rd Saturday of the month.

The first time I was really confused and we submitted a ticket. The response was that They migrate everything except this part since they think that report development would happen first in pilot and then in live.

Truth is, 90% of the time whenever we do a report, we want to see the most current information, so using pilot’s information wouldn’t work, so we have to do the report first in live. Then when pilot refreshes we need to upload any report we want to use.

Good thing is that I am the only one using pilot most of the time.

While I try to first work in Pilot, sometimes quick changes are done in Production. Also, sometimes I really hack something apart in Pilot and then forget about it. When later doing a full Production to Pilot refresh, I want Pilot to be the most up-to-date that it can be, including reports.

Copying a whole folder of SSRS reports is a pain, unless you work with Visual Studio. What I suggest is to use the same collection of reports for your different environments, but when you need to edit one report for testing purposes, you copy the SSRS report under reports/EpicorERP/customReports/PILOT, fix the report style to look for the proper folder and you have a separate report only for the pilot system.