Copy a UD Record in a BPM

I am hoping to shortcut writing a bunch of code…
I have a record in a UD table that I want to copy to another record and only change one Key field. If the new record already exists, then overwrite the non-key fields, otherwise create it. I then want to delete the old record.
I saw @Chris_Conn write a simple way of going through the UD fields in the post on GetANewUDXX and it would save a few lines. I am looking for maybe a GetByID on the old record, change the one Key value and use UpdateExt to save ithe new one and delete the old one. However, I am also hoping there is a simple Copy method in BPMs…

You can still use BufferCopy in E10, which also existed in ABL and I actually learned about if from one of your old ABL Codes.

// Example
BufferCopy.CopyExceptFor(QueryFromDBRecordRow, ttMyNewRow, "SysRowID","SysRevID","RevisionNum", "EffectiveDate", "RowMod");

// Change more stuff on ttMyNewRow
// Save


You might want to use CopyExceptFor and exclude KeyX and other fields like shown above – probably need to tweak this code a bit, but its a boilerplate.

Action UpdateUDRecord = (iResourceID) =>
  var UD02svc = Ice.Assemblies.ServiceRenderer.GetService(Db);
  var udRow = (from ud02 in Db.UD02 where ud02.Company == callContextClient.CurrentCompany && ud02.Key1 == "Runtime" && ud02.Key2 == iResourceID && ud02.CheckBox01 == true select ud02).FirstOrDefault();
  if (udRow != null)
      UD02Tableset ds = UD02svc.GetByID(udRow.Key1,udRow.Key2,udRow.Key3,udRow.Key4,udRow.Key5);
      //Create the Before Image
      UD02Row OriginalRecord = (UD02Row)ds.UD02.NewRow();
      //Populate it
      BufferCopy.Copy(ds.UD02[0], OriginalRecord);
      //Add to the data set
      ds.UD02[0].Date02 = DateTime.Today;
      ds.UD02[0].Number02 = (decimal)((TimeSpan)(DateTime.Now - DateTime.Today)).TotalSeconds;
      ds.UD02[0].CheckBox01 = false;
      ds.UD02[0].RowMod = IceRow.ROWSTATE_UPDATED;
      UD02svc.Update(ref ds);
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I think that would work, you just need to change the keys before saving and set the rowmod to “A”

I wonder if something similar to this would also work:

 UD02Row desRow = (UD02Row)ds.UD02.NewRow();
var sourceRow = ds.UD02[rowNum]; //whatever the source row is
desRow.ItemArray = sourceRow.ItemArray.Clone() as object[];

That could be perfect. I will jump in and try it.

Here is the ABL Equivalent, explains the concept of using BufferCopy in fewer lines.

FIND FIRST UD05 WHERE UD05.Key3 = sCurrentQuoteNum AND UD05.Key4 = sCurrentQuoteLine 
	BUFFER-COPY UD05 EXCEPT sysrevid sysrowid to bNewUD05
	ASSIGN bNewUD05.Key3 = string(targetQuoteNum)