My question is, how do I convert that to be used in E10. I am told that I will need to create C# codes for it, but I have not understanding of what the BPM is saying or doing, and how to begin to translate that to actual code.
You might consider offloading this task to someone else, there is a pretty steep learning curve before you could make the conversion from ABL to C# you would need to understand both a pretty moderate level, to pull it off without issues.
In converting E9 BPMs to E10, I generally deconstruct the E9 BPM to the requirement: what does this BPM accomplish and what is the workflow? Then I rebuild using the E10 UI based on the requirement.
It’s not a great idea to try to translate ABL/4GL to C# line by line. If you have a lot of complex stuff, you might need technical assistance on one or both sides, or you could sit down with someone who is familiar with the business logic and have them talk you through the expectation delta from base functionality.
It looks like it says, “If the PricePerCode on the OrderDtl row is “” or null, set it to ‘E’ and also set ShortChar06 to ‘E’.” However, I’m not sure what the use case is because according to help, this value comes from either the Part record or Defaults to “E”, so I don’t believe it can be null…
Indicates the pricing per quantity. It can be “E” = per each, “C” = per hundred, “M” = per thousand. Used to calculate the extended unit price for the line item. The logic is to divide the OrderDtl.OrderQty by the appropriate “per” value and then multiply by unit price. Use the Part.PricePerCode as a default. If the Part record does not exist then default as “E”.
With that said, I think you accomplish this using just the widgets and no custom code, by using a condition like you have and the Set Field widget.
Please do NOT use the converter in any real production code.! As @nhutchins said its a suggestion that should be re-written EVERY TIME.
That converter is no better than Google
I know @josecgomez said not to use the converter, but I tried following the documentation and I was unable to write in the Programming Interface Generated Code window. No errors. I just could not enter any text.
I tried the converter mentioned by @nhutchins and got this code for an ABL:
Erp.Tables.quotedtl quotedtl;
foreach (var ttOrderDtl_iterator in (from ttOrderDtl_Row in ttOrderDtl
where ttOrderDtl_Row.QuoteNum > 0 && ttOrderDtl_Row.QuoteLine > 0
select ttOrderDtl_Row))
var ttOrderDtlRow = ttOrderDtl_iterator;
quotedtl = (from quotedtl_Row in Db.quotedtl
where quotedtl_Row.Company == ttOrderDtlRow.Company && quotedtl_Row.quotenum == ttOrderDtlRow.quotenum && quotedtl_Row.quoteline == ttOrderDtlRow.quoteline
select quotedtl_Row).FirstOrDefault();
if (quotedtl != null)
ttOrderDtlRow["ShortChar07"] = (string)quotedtl["shortchar07"];
What I don’t get is the reference for the database table. I am not able to find that Erp.Tables reference so I can access the QuoteDtl table. Right now I am getting errors and it has to do with the namespace reference not existing.
What references do I need to access the mentioned table?
This one I understand and have resolved, however, the one above, I do not understand how to access the QuoteDtl table.
Here is it again:
Erp.Tables.quotedtl quotedtl;
foreach (var ttOrderDtl_iterator in (from ttOrderDtl_Row in ttOrderDtl
where ttOrderDtl_Row.QuoteNum > 0 && ttOrderDtl_Row.QuoteLine > 0
select ttOrderDtl_Row))
var ttOrderDtlRow = ttOrderDtl_iterator;
quotedtl = (from quotedtl_Row in Db.quotedtl
where quotedtl_Row.Company == ttOrderDtlRow.Company && quotedtl_Row.quotenum == ttOrderDtlRow.quotenum && quotedtl_Row.quoteline == ttOrderDtlRow.quoteline
select quotedtl_Row).FirstOrDefault();
if (quotedtl != null)
ttOrderDtlRow["ShortChar07"] = (string)quotedtl["shortchar07"];
I am not able to find that Erp.Tables reference so I can’t access the QuoteDtl table. Right now I am getting errors and it has to do with the namespace reference not existing.
What references do I need to access the mentioned table?
I figured out the reference I needed and now all but 1 of my error is occurring.
CS1061 ‘ErpContext’ does not contain a definition for ‘quotedtl’ and no extension method ‘quotedtl’ accepting a first argument of type ‘ErpContext’ could be found
It has something to do with the “Db” on this line:
from quotedtl_Row in Db.quotedtl
Does anyone know what the Db suppose to represent and how would I declare it?
If you are in BPM, you can use Ctrl+Space to give you an autocomplete similar to visual studios intellisense. So type "Db. " then hit Ctrl+Space, and it should give you a list of what’s available. It’s probably just a case issue (C# is case sensitive)
As mentioned I am very very new to BPM ABL and trying to convert E9 to E10 but ran into issues. With help, I have been able to convert a few, but still running into issues. For example:
for each OrderDtl no-lock where OrderDtl.Company = cur-comp and OrderDtl.OrderNum = orderNum .
assign NetPrice = OrderDtl.DocUnitPrice * ( 1 - (OrderDtl.DiscountPercent / 100 ))
ExtPrice = OrderDtl.SellingQuantity * OrderDtl.DocUnitPrice * ( 1 - OrderDtl.DiscountPercent / 100 ) .
If I have this code, how would this be converted seeing I have no idea where cur-comp & orderNum are coming from. Are they system generated variables or what? I do not know how would I make the C# code especially not knowing.