Convert Production Standards to Hours Per Piece - Help Needed


Hey all,

I’m in the process of making a baq that converts all production standard types to Hours Per Piece in a calculated field. I would like some help understanding what a few of these standard formats are and what the conversion would look like. The standard formats in question are as follows:

“OH” - Operations/Hour, “OM” - Operations/minute, HR - Fixed Hours.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

I’m pretty sure no one can give you a direct 1=1 answer on this since everyone uses these values in their own special way. Have you seen the Scheduling Technical Reference PDF from Epicor? Find it on EpicWeb, but here’s the data you want:

The simplest answer is that you can manufacture something by a process (eg Stamping), and you can ‘stamp’ once per piece, or multiple times per piece on the same ‘resource’ - so you have two calculations that equate to the same thing - but are the inverse, mathematically speaking - pieces per hour and operations per hour. You can ‘stamp’ 100 pieces per hour, or you can ‘stamp’ each piece 4 times and get 25 pieces per hour. Or you can specify the later as 100 operations per hour (or per minute) but you would have to alter your MOM to require each piece has 4 ‘stamps’ (operations).

Hopefully this helps and doesn’t muddy the waters. Everyone just does a little math to figure out which will be easiest to use in the Scheduler and uses what works.

My suggestions would be to figure out how to turn each into Pieces/Hour and go from there. It’s basically what the Scheduler does when calculating the schedule.