Convert From Epicor 9 to 10

What using statements in epicor 10 are equivalent to the epicor 9 using statements of “Epicor.Mfg.BO” and “Epicor.Mfg.Core”?

E10 schema is divided between ICE and ERP, ICE being framework BOs (i.e. like Ice.Core) and ERP being business BOs.

What dll contains the top level of customer, salesorder, quote, etc. The dll“objectname” does not contain it. That dll just contains the datasets.


It says namespace not found, but we have:


You’re going to have to dig a little with Tracing etc. as I don’t know what you’re trying to do.

Is your query as simple as:

using Erp.Adapters;

Can’t be sure because like Aaron says you’ve not explained what you’re trying to do.

I’m not too sure what the program all does because the person who built it is no longer here. It’s made in visual studio and calls into Epicor using adapters and epiconnect. The problem is it was made for Epicor 9 and we now use Epicor 10. It needs updated to Epicor 10 and the SalesRep, SalesRepQuota, and SaleAuthSearch are not refrenced in the“objectname” (ex. dll. Do we need to add an adapter in for each one? Does anyone know which reference/assembly should be used for these?

It looks like you’re writing an external program to work with the Epicor business objects. In this you could consider using the WCF services, which is likely what you were doing before, or you could try utilizing the REST services depending on your E10 version.

I’ve not seen adapters used in an external program before, but maybe someone else has. It’s typically instantiation of the WCF services.

I am still a little confused where the question is though, but yes, you would need to reference each Business Object that you’re calling in your code.

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