I am trying to write a function that returns a DataSet and have created the signature of my function to have the response parameter be a DataSet. When I am in the design of the function, I am invoking Erp.SalesOrder.GetByID which returns a TableSet.
Is there a way to insert/copy the TableSet into the DataSet?
Should I be using a different method?
I don’t have an example but a dataset is a collection of data tables. Perhaps you’ll need to take the data tables from your table set and insert those as data tables into your data set
Thanks Aaron. I’ve tried and have not been able to successfully copy the table into the dataset. It is more than likely user error than anything else.
Olga, I am in Epicor Functions Maintenance. I am trying to create a function that has the OrderNum as the input with the OrderTableset as the output. I plan on using this in multiple data directives.
@Olga , the reason why I am trying to do this is so I will have OrderDtl data available for a Data Directive on the OrderHed table. I may be doing things incorrectly as I am a hack. But this is the best way that I could think of as I am working in a multi-tenant environment.
@hkeric.wci, thanks for the screenshot and example