Control with specified EpiGuid property does not exist

Good morning,

I want to do a validation on the Approved Engineering check in the work module, when I customize it throws me the error that the EpiGuid control does not exist.

I have the Guid copied from the properties (84417923-8f49-4614-9cbf-61c916907fea) but I don’t know where to initialize it.

this is my code

private void oTrans_jobAdapter_BeforeAdapterMethod(object sender, BeforeAdapterMethodArgs args)
	EpiCheckBox checkBox = (EpiCheckBox)csm.GetNativeControlReference("7909df8c-6112-4c63-aab9-89b87cd35f4b");
	**EpiCheckBox checkBox4 = (EpiCheckBox)csm.GetNativeControlReference("84417923-8f49-4614-9cbf-61c916907fea");**
**	bool checkBoxValue4 = checkBox4.Checked;**
	bool checkBoxValue = checkBox.Checked;
		switch (args.MethodName)
			//controlar que no agueguen materiales con el check aprobador true
			case "GetNewJobMtl":
			if (checkBoxValue == true)
			 	args.Cancel = true;
				MessageBox.Show("No puede agregar material, el subensamble esta cerrado");
			 } else
			 	/*Do nothing*/
			//recorre los subensambles creados por las vistas y controla que no agreguen materiales
			this.curJobAsmbl = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["CurrAsm"]));
			System.Data.DataRow edvCurrAsmRow = curJobAsmbl.CurrentDataRow;
			int currentAssembly = Convert.ToInt32(edvCurrAsmRow["AssemblySeq"].ToString());
			this.curJobAsmblJobAsm = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["JobAsmbl"]));               
			DataTable dtOrderDtl = this.curJobAsmblJobAsm.dataView.Table;               
			foreach(DataRow row in dtOrderDtl.Rows)  
				if  (Convert.ToInt32(row["AssemblySeq"])== currentAssembly)
					if (Convert.ToBoolean(row["aprobado_asmb_c"])== true)
			 		args.Cancel = true;
				MessageBox.Show("No puede agregar material, el subensamble esta cerrado");
				/*Do nothing*/
			//controla que no asugnen nuevas opraciones de el subensable esta true
			/*case "GetNewJobOper":
			if (checkBoxValue == true)
			 	args.Cancel = true;
				MessageBox.Show("No puede agregar operaciones, el subensamble esta cerrado");
			 } else
			//recorre los subensambles creados por las vistas y controla que no agreguen materiales
			this.curJobAsmbl = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["CurrAsm"]));
			System.Data.DataRow edvCurrAsmRow = curJobAsmbl.CurrentDataRow;
			int currentAssembly = Convert.ToInt32(edvCurrAsmRow["AssemblySeq"].ToString());
			this.curJobAsmblJobAsm = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["JobAsmbl"]));               
			DataTable dtOrderDtl = this.curJobAsmblJobAsm.dataView.Table;               
			foreach(DataRow row in dtOrderDtl.Rows)  
				if  (Convert.ToInt32(row["AssemblySeq"])== currentAssembly)
					if (Convert.ToBoolean(row["aprobado_asmb_c"])== true)
			 		args.Cancel = true;
				MessageBox.Show("No puede agregar material, el subensamble esta cerrado");
			//MessageBox.Show("llego aca");
			//controla que no hagan cambios en los subensambles si no es usuario aprobador y el check esta true
			case "Update":
		this.curJobHead = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["JobHead"]));
		System.Data.DataRow edvUserCharRowJobH = curJobHead.CurrentDataRow;
		this.curJobAsmblUserApro = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["CallContextClientData"]));
		System.Data.DataRow edvUserCharRowJobAs = curJobAsmblUserApro.CurrentDataRow;
		string useraprobadorhed =  (edvUserCharRowJobH["UserChar1"].ToString());
		string useraprobadorass = (edvUserCharRowJobAs["CurrentUserId"].ToString());
		//EpiCheckBox checkBox2 = (EpiCheckBox)csm.GetNativeControlReference("7909df8c-6112-4c63-aab9-89b87cd35f4b");
		//bool checkBoxValue1 = checkBox2.Checked;
			if (useraprobadorhed != useraprobadorass)
				//checkBoxValue = true;
				if (checkBoxValue == true)
				//if(checkBox2.Checked == true);
				args.Cancel = true;
					MessageBox.Show("No es el usuario aprobador");
				//MessageBox.Show("Subensamble guardado con exito");		
			if (checkBoxValue == false) 
				**if (checkBoxValue4 == true)**
				args.Cancel = true;
					MessageBox.Show("Se debe Aprobar el Subensamble ");
				//MessageBox.Show("Subensamble guardado con exito");		

Use the data binding instead of the control.