Control Characters in Calculated Field

Hello all,
I’m trying to set up a barcode that will populate a job number field, tab, then populate a sequence field. I have tried all of the control characters I can look up with ASCII and Code39 however, whenever I scan into a textbox, the control characters are just printed along with the barcode info. Any insight is greatly appreciated.

one problem: Code 3 of 9 doesn’t support a chr(9) (tab) character.

If you can swing it, use bartender to generate your barcodes, then you can use a better format to get more fancy stuff.

Or code in parsers into your program and delimit and fill in the stuff programmatically.

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Does the solution have to be approached externally from epicor because of the DWBar39 font? From my research, the ASCII characters should be useable with Code39 extended.

I may have completely overlooked some other issue, but it seems if I want to limit the amount of keystrokes for users, I’ll have to incorporate your explained method.

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Not necessarily. If you have standardized on a barcode reader, many offer advance options for pre and post scan. They are keyboard emulators, so there are at least limited options.

The following might help

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Personally, I went with 2D DataMatrix as you can encode more data into a smaller package including control codes.

Something like this (each op DM will enter into field in MES Report Quantity stopping at the Qty Amount) :

EDIT: Sorry forgot to include the DM output:

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