Context Menu

Hi, I am trying to add a custom context menu to a grid.
I have added the context menu to the field through the data view.

I created an event (event ID added to the custom context menu)

The Launch options are:

	"options": {
		"valueIn": "{HDCaseList.HDCaseNum}"

The slide out panels opens after clicking the context menu option but the case number doesnt populate with the valueIn value.

This may still be broken. It was for some time.

Excellent :face_holding_back_tears:

I take it thats the same for pointing context menu pages to a menu with a specific security ID as im struggling to state exactly which menu item to open (if there are mulitlpe with the same name, Part Tracker for example).

Does anyone know if this is still broken?

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Hi Ricky,

Iā€™m adding a video that I made to show can you get it to work.

Please let me know if it does for you.


David Martinez